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Back in mid March I had a major health crisis that landed me in the hospital for over a week. For months before then, I had slowly been losing weight due to those same medical issues without me knowing about them. Coming out of the hospital I was 240lbs, 70lbs lower than my biggest ever. 

Once my health was back on track, and I was on the medication i needed, the weight started piling back on fast. I'm currently 295 and hoping to make it back to my biggest (310) before the end of the month. 

Thank you to everyone who continued to support and encourage me through these struggles. I feel like I'm back in the game, and it's time to see just how huge this belly can get. 




The bigger belly really suits you!

Alonso Garza

Awesome recovery, by the end of this month, you’ll be definitely above 310!!


Hope your health continues to remain well! Looking great!

Pels S

Gosh dude what were the medical issues? Glad you're doing better now!


Hell yeah!!! Glad you’re doing much better


Hey, would just love to say that I love your content. Do you think you’d be able to make a video about “trying on old clothes?” Thank you!


Definitely you regained and got a lot bigger

Daniel Pankratz

You can do it. Do more funnels. Your going to grow!