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I've been putting off posting about this for few weeks, but I'm finally feeling stable in both my physical and mental health. Last month, after a day of truly pigging out I woke up to the worst stomach cramps I'd ever experienced. I suspected food poisoning from the takeout I'd had, but after 24 hours the pain had only gotten worse. I started hyperventilating and couldn't control my breathing, my vision was dramatically blurred, I felt like I was dying. 

I called myself an ambulance and was rushed to the ER. After some tests and scans the doctors told me my pancreas was severely inflamed and had stopped producing insulin. my blood sugar and acidity were high enough that I should have been in a coma or dead. I was in  the hospital for 8 days. 

This has been extremely hard on me as I now have the symptoms of a type1 diabetic. The silver lining is that there is a good chance it's not permanent. However, I can't really escape from the fact that I did this to myself. I knew gaining would affect my health but I didn't think it would happen like this. 

You all know how obsessed I am with getting fatter. This genuinely felt like my dreams had been shattered, but I've decided that I'm not giving up. I'll have to go about it differently now. I'll have to be careful and get creative with my calories, but this is what I want. It's the only thing I want and I can't let that go.

Thanks for your patience and support. stick around and watch me come back bigger and greedier than ever.  ;) 




Omg i hope you’re okay! It’s incredibly important to take care of your health first and foremost!

Daniel Pankratz

Glad you are ok. Yes. You can gain weight but you need to do it in moderation otherwise our bodies can’t adjust. I love your growth. But having you here is more important. You can still grow and be admired.


Glad you are ok !!! I think you are beautiful and sexy at any size ……..


Glad you got the help man and your actually alive. Love your growth. Look after yourself 😊


Glad you’re doing better you are beautiful no matter what size. Don’t stress over this cause at the end of the day your health is a priority


We love you and are so glad you are alive! *bear hug*

Red 59

So glad to hear you're okay! ♥️


Glad you’re doing better! Please stay safe!!!


still looking nice and round at the current size