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Hey everyone. I thought I'd share a little update since I haven't posted in a while. It really sucks but I've been dealing with some health issues that landed me in the ER. I'm back home now but in some pretty intense pain. Doctors are confident I'll be back to normal before too long, but unfortunately between the pain and my meds my appetite has completely crashed. I want to thank everyone for the support and assure you that I'll be back to pigging out and showing off as soon as I can. Happy holidays and thanks again.



Hope it's nothing too serious and you have a nice christmas 🙏

David Wolf

Hope you feel better soon


No worries, your health and well-being should always come first! Here's hoping for a smooth and speedy recovery, but take all the time you need.


I'm so sorry! Please take care of yourself.


Take care of yourself first. Hope you feel better soon. 💚 Merry Christmas big guy!


That sounds really rough! Hope you're feeling better and recovering!!


Please take care of yourself. Don't rush anything.


How was your Christmas?

Mainely Tubs

Take care of yourself big guy!