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After being so sick, I've been nervous about getting on the scale and seeing how much I lost. It's been a few days back to eating big and chugging shakes. But I'm still unsure... What do you think? Did I get smaller?




Maybe a little. 😈

Daniel Pankratz

A little. Your not as tight as you use to be. Still got it going on. But a man like you. Needs to be tight constantly. Pack it in 😉

Daniel Pankratz

Can’t wait to see those stretch marks take off again.


Looking solid man! Are you a musician with all the notes on your body?

Enclode Szeck

Maybe you look a tiny bit less firm/tight. But you shouldn't worry. And you don't have to step on the scales right away, you can wait until you're feeling heavier 😘

Kekoa B



Hell yeah Porky


Just a temporary setback. You'll be back to bursting in no time.