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Some people ask how i gained so much weight so fast. A big part has been my nightly gainer shakes. Current recipe is 3000 calories and I'm definitely feeling the effects. 


270 shake chug



Big fan 😎 of how you blew up so fast. By chance, what’s your recipe for your shake? Sorry if you’ve already answered 😅


Agh I like the way the noise you make when you force yourself to eat or drink FIXATE to OBLIVION 😁🧨💥 and watch you blow up to not Wanting Food FORCE FEEDING YOURSELF when your mind says no your Body always wants More More TO FORCE IT DOWN PACK AS MUCH AS PAIN THEN PUSH+ PASS = PAIN FORCING YOURSELF CRAVING SOO MUCH MORE even more when sick of food Force it down to have Belly Take Over sending Love Babe come on Push Yourself to were your not able to touch yourself that belly is too big and in the way cause you and I love it sitting in your LAP FIXATION