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A quick look at the journey so far. 

My whole life I'd always been notoriously skinny, and all that time, I dreamed of gaining weight and growing into a big fat man. It was my dark secret through my adolescence and only in my twenties did i start experimenting with larger men and even attempted to gain,

None of my efforts worked back then, and I'd find myself falling back into my unhealthy skinny guy habits. 

Fall of 2020 all of that changed suddenly. Without even trying, I noticed my clothes fitting a bit tighter. It was like an epiphany. I was meant to get fat, and this time it was finally happening. 

I threw myself into the gain. Fast food every night, tons of soda and sugary snacks. That first month i gained over 20lbs and decided to take the next step, adding gainer shakes and boost into my already high calorie diet. 

By new years I'd gained 50lbs in just 3 months. But I wasn't done yet. I'm still not done. 

It's been 6 months since I hit 200 and I've packed on another 65lbs of flab. 




That's a glow up!


You are absolutely incredible.


This is amazing


How about a WG update, what is your current weight?