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Hey everyone!

The Articulating Koi Fish is available in the Archives at last!  If you follow me on Tik Tok, you may have seen me on Live working on this model endlessly over the past week.  To be honest, it took me somewhere between 80-90 hours to complete this model, which is longer than I've ever spent on a single model.  

The process it takes to create something like this is very new to me (I made it in Blender), and I definitely made my fair share of mistakes along the way.  The good thing though...I spent all of that time figuring out a good and repeatable process for creating more of these articulating models, so I'm very excited to create more in the future (and spend MUCH less time stumbling through the process)!

I'm very proud of this model and I really hope you enjoy it.  I do have plans on making a "fancier" version with some cool ornamental décor, but that may have to wait until I get a PC because my laptop was STRUGGLING to deal with this one towards the end, haha.

There are 2 versions uploaded into the Archives:

Version 1: The whiskers are sculpted into the side of the face.  This version is probably better for selling/prints that will likely be handled a lot.

Version 2: The whiskers print separately and are inserted and glued into place after printing.  I think it looks better and is more "accurate," but obviously makes the print more delicate.

Here is the link to the model in the archives!


As always, thank you so much for the support!

- Jacob




Thank you all for the love on this design! One quick thing...i've been told by a few people that their slicers were having trouble processing the file. I did reduce the mesh before exporting, but I can reduce it much further and drastically reduce the file size! I'm actually working on that right now, so here shortly I will make another post once I have gotten the "smaller" file versions into the archives!