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Hey everyone!

The cosplay version of the Original Pokeball is now available to everyone in the Model Archives!  This model prints in 5 pieces and snaps together afterward with no glue needed.  It does not open nor does it feature any storage, but I am currently working on our functional version that WILL have storage and will hopefully have it available to you very soon!  It is currently scaled to be 60mm in diameter, but can be scaled up as large as you would like!

Side note, I wanted to thank everyone for your patience with me the past couple of weeks.  I haven't been able to devote as much time as I like to modeling and I am doing everything I can to free my time back up to keep creating models for you!

This whole Arceus Pokeball situation from Tik Tok has demanded WAY more of my time and energy than I anticipated it would, but I am doing my best to still find time to create new models and look forward to finishing up the orders I have so I can get back to creating models at a quicker pace!

Hope you enjoy this simple cosplay version of the Pokeball, and I look forward to releasing the functional version (along with other variations of  it and the Arceus ball) very soon!

- Jacob



Ben Coe

Heck yah, can't wait to print one of these!


Let me know how it goes! I may still make some sliiiight tweaks, but it should be a pretty easy print!