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Just giving the laydown on what is going on this week. Tuesday I get the keys to my new apartment that I will be gradually moving into during the span of the rest of the week; the bulk of the move being on the following weekend. I don't believe this will affect my streaming schedule during this week.

The following week of the 23rd however; there is a risk that I may be without internet for a few days due to getting that activated. I cannot say if or how long I may be without internet.

As a result; those who are Master Class patrons really should try to schedule a day during this week due to the risk of no streaming during some or all of the last week of the month.

However by chance I am unable to schedule a day this month for you, I am quite fine holding this month's reward until next month alongside that month's reward.

The same goes for those who I owe a monthly sketch. I can still sketch your requests without internet, however I can provide what I owe you next month if I cannot get to you this following week.


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