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Well it's now February and with it comes the start of my first full month using Patreon. I would like to thank those who have taken interest!

With my first Goal, I have gotten myself a premium membership on my Picarto channel. Your viewing experience may not change much, but it will allow me to multi-stream with other artists with ease.

I will continue to post sketches at the end of every week and the entire month's sketches at the end. Finished pictures will be posted as PSD and full-resolution.

VIP tier patreons who pledged in January can now start asking for their "free" sketches from me! Drop by my stream to get your request drawn.

Those who pledged for the highest tier are free to schedule a day this month with me. Keep in mind, I am in an EST timezone and I can only draw during weekdays up to around 5pm.


 As for my monthly OC picture goal... I had only one suggestion last month. I will still probably do the picture, but with the lack of interest, I have to decide if I will continue featuring the Goal or modify it. For February, I will forego the process of having you, my patreons, give suggestions and instead go right into the poll. As we know, Subi has forms based on produce. I will set up a poll for my patreons to vote on which form I will design and draw next. 

VIP tickets to "cut line" in my streams to have their picture drawn is being nerfed from daily to weekly.


I am always looking for feedback and suggestions with how to improve the Patreon. Feel free to suggest anything that you think will improve on it or you would like to see.



Cool! I'll see about scheduling a day with you. You say until 5pm - what is the start time? I'm in PST so I'll likely have to get up dick early in the morning but that's fine. How does tomorrow, Feb 2nd sound? And if I have it right, I get (1) sketch while you're streaming, and up to (4) wheel bypasses. In addition, I can suggest an idea for the monthly OC picture (where/how do I do this), and vote on it (how?).