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Starting September I will no longer have the $30 Tier as an option to pledge to. As of this message, I will be removing it. Those who request art and use my patreon as a means to commission me will have to do it the old fashioned way.

I appreciate everyone who wants to support me but being able to get a everyone's patreon request done by the end of the month during my commission list rotation method has become a squeeze. So I have decided it was best not to continue to complicate how I take commissions. We all can use a little less stress.

I will be working on august requests soon and I will keep track of pledges used towards ongoing projects, but from September-on, paying for commissions will be done through invoices.

As such, I would like to ask everyone who is currently pledged in the 30usd tier to edit their pledge as they see fit. 

Thank you.



Ah, that is a small bummer - but totally understandable. I assume this just means that we still keep our names in the raffle list and that it will reset as normal, just without trying to fit in all the pateron tickets near the end of the month?


Nothing changes in how I take commissions and do raffles, just no payment towards them will be done through patreon. This subtracts my need to squeeze every patreon request by the end of the month, every month.

Dr. Beaubourg

That’s unfortunate, but I can understand why. Hopefully this will make your commissions more manageable in the future!


Unfortunate, but perhaps inevitable given the way the stream's been going.