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Just letting all of you know that starting next month I will be putting VIP ticket raffles on hiatus. This will not affect that pledging to the 20usd tier will get you a discounted sketch request every month.

I am doing this mostly because I have found the system to be putting too much stress on me to get as many VIP-only raffles in a day to maximize the rewards to my patrons.

I truly appreciate those who donate and help support me. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me.


Akemi Expansions

Hey I understand that. If I could offer an alternative, maybe you could have a one VIP only raffle day a week or even a month, instead of doing VIP raffles daily?


But then wouldn't folks feel jipped for signing up to a patreon pledge for a raffle they might never actually win? Probably best removed, tbh.


the sketch tier is still very generous tbh and the loss of vip raffles doesnt really affect how generous this tier is to sign up for i just hope suti finds a way for himself to relieve stress about how his raffles go if i may say.