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Breaking Bad: Season 5 Episode 6 - Patreon Exclusive


Kevin B

Hi Dasha! Hope you are safe and well and not affected by those wildfires. To answer your question, a "scab" is when the blood on a cut or wound dries up. My interpretation of what Jessie is trying to say is the cheese on his lasagne is all hard and crusty. Also, I remember you being puzzled at Walt not accepting the Schwartz's offer to pay for his cancer treatment in the first season. This episode gives a little insight to his feelings and animosity towards the Schwartz's. And the incident between the 3 of them that caused him to sell his share, i think was a love triangle where Greta leaves Walt for Elliott. There's no evidence of that, just my assumption as we've seen a flashback where Walt and Greta were a couple. Also wanted to mention that Hugo is too adorable! Love seeing him in your videos :)

Chris Carman

Dasha, we should have probably told you: that feeling that you had at the end of this episode (48:04)--- um, yeah, better get used to it! :D :D The final season of "Breaking Bad" redefined the whole concept of 'cliffhanger' endings; I'll never forget how I binge-watched ALL of it, shortly after the show officially ended--- 'cause I truly could not help myself. *Not* suggesting you should change your approach or anything, just saying: the cliffhanger momentum here gets absolutely insane, matched only (in my opinion) by final season "Buffy" and maybe this one series named "The Americans" (about Russian spies living in America in the '80s), and for my money, that last show example still managed to completely BLOW IT with its conclusion. This show does not...


Hugo should get more screen time, imo. maybe a Hugo tier should be added.

Edward G

If she is getting mad how this cliffhanger ended I can't wait to see her reaction to some upcoming episodes. I expect screaming when she sees the episode end and the screen turn to black. haha