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Shout out to... basically everyone for getting the closest, fastest in the $10 tier's early bird guessing game! This was one was easy.


April King

Whoop whoop


Lasagna is just spaghetti cake

Benji Bear

Anyone else disappointed Dan didn't make the hat/boat joke for the bacon bowls? 😭

Clandestine Cat

Praise the lord, a Monday reprieve

Nathan Olson

I love that arin talks about loving to shit and how often he does it as if it's a choice he makes


how long until one of those foley glass breaking sounds aren't added in post


Arin's giggle fit from the watermelon cutter is the cutest thing ever.

Thomas Anderson

"first we mock, then we are humbled by the light of god"


Not Dan doxxing his Starbucks drop off location

Sterfri 123

Idk why optimistic sounding Dan asking Arin if he's dead inside is so funny lol

Nicholas Rhule

I’m glad Arin has good poops every morning


i had the justin bieber toothbrush when i was a kid and it was the only thing that would make me brush my teeth for the whole two minutes

Kat Spears

I appreciate Vanessa not joking when she said she'll do anything she has the bois do.

Zan Azoth

I love the pure elation in Arin's laugh, and Dan's voice, with the instant success of the watermelon thing. Like they were genuinely thrilled that one of these things worked, wonderfully.

Layla Lovely

I am the booty wizard!


Dan's face right after "Well we gotta eat out the watermelon... first..." was so perfect lmao

Silent Zee

I'm so happy to know the music toothbrush was completely bunk cuz I'd been wondering about that for like 20 years


Arin looks like the evil inspector gadget from the live action movie with those teeth XD


Pedi File sent me

Alyssa Wong

I didn't think Arin's teeth would turn him into some unholy ungodly uncanny valley manifestation of my nightnares, but here we are

Hannah Craig

Show feet guy is gonna be so excited


tell dan that i love his hair in this one


I had that toothbrush 😭😭❤️ it was my favorite thing ever when I was a kid 😭😭

Ashley Stringer

I have to admit I completely lost it along with Dan when Arin put those teeth in!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Someone translate the Japanese at the end? 😂

Maza Quinncae

Aw.... I wanted it to be "Secret Toys in Secret Places", but I'm glad we were right ✨


…Melon melon melons melon, melon? M-m-melon. Melon meloned melon melon melon melon. 👍


Arin was so happy about the watermelon cutter that he developed an entirely new laugh pattern for it.


Dan’s little KiHap was adorable. Then again Dan’s adorable in general for his age and I hope he never changes 😭

Joseph Thomas

Im surprised people arent aware if apple peeler-slicer-corers. My family has had like 3 since as long as i can remember. Its basically the same as the peeler but not plastic and it also cores the apple and slices in a wide spiral. If you’re good enough you can get the apple to be one long slice about an eighth of an inch thick


The fake teeth makes arin look like what other people think americans look like


ight i finna join after ur plug here

Tyrant King

Bacon yarmulkes!