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The first story we read is truly disgusting and we're sorry. You've been warned. If you'd like to skip it, Dan starts reading My Immortal at the 16:25 mark. 

If you'd like to submit a fan fiction for us to read, you can! Just click this link ► https://forms.gle/b3ig5PEdagX9AxPdA



Kit Geraghty

i am curious about how many people submitted my immortal, i imagine it was a popular one


Oh fuck yeah, this is what the people needed in this holiday season

han moody (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-24 14:48:28 same!!
2023-12-24 14:48:28 same!!
2023-12-24 14:48:28 same!!
2023-12-20 20:06:06 same!!



how did this get so intensely terrible 😭😭🤣🤣


I definitely skipped the first story after getting maybe 2 minutes in, but the second story was great 😂


I'm a huge fan of fanfiction and a writer of fanfic myself, and I take the craft of writing fic very seriously. And this series is my favorite thing Game Grumps has ever done!

TRIVIA Enterprises

Honestly the ET one could have been a whole lot worse. Or the internet has just desensitized me to shit like that

W C Purdy

Well. That first story was certainly a thing.


I would honestly take a feature length episode of just My Immortal

Layla Lovely

This is so fucking good

Jdot Creeper


Victor Blas

Those author notes killed me


Poor Eliot's mom. That laundry isn't gonna do itself.

Alyssa Wong (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-24 14:48:28 I'm gonna need no more of the first fanfic and the ENTIRETY of the rest of My Immortal, please and thank you
2023-12-24 14:48:28 I'm gonna need no more of the first fanfic and the ENTIRETY of the rest of My Immortal, please and thank you
2023-12-24 14:48:28 I'm gonna need no more of the first fanfic and the ENTIRETY of the rest of My Immortal, please and thank you
2023-12-20 20:50:59 I'm gonna need no more of the first fanfic and the ENTIRETY of the rest of My Immortal, please and thank you

I'm gonna need no more of the first fanfic and the ENTIRETY of the rest of My Immortal, please and thank you


Yeah...im gonna need more of Dan reading My Immortal with Arin laughing uncontrollably in the background.

Sara Stuart

Oof, that first one is too weirdly personal for human consumption but My Immortal is classic. I love these episodes.


Please no more ElliotxET😭 I beg of you. But I need a full episode of My Immortal with wigs and multiple speaking parts ASAP

Sterfri 123

Very descriptive and not descriptive at all for the ET one lol Danny I really hope this isn't suffering for you :)

Kitten Arcader

This is a moment in my life and now it has passed.


yeah reading my immortal in its entirety is now a requirement. thanks for this !

Robert Poole

If you dare to do My Little Pony fanfiction, the classics Rainbow Factory or Cupcakes would be great (don't worry, they're horror, not porn)

Michaela Krakowetz

Please dear god I can't believe you went for My Immortal in episode TWO 😭☠️☠️☠️☠️


1:43 Dan's realization that he may dread what he's about to get into


i would like to never hear arin say the word cunt in this context again. nor any of the words that prefaced and followed that word. i wish i could go back to 22 minutes ago before i heard that story.

scott m

I once read a Care Bears fan fic that had a sex scene. It was intense

Bex Marie

I would love a spin off of just the two of them reading through My Immortal


i'm sorry for enjoying how miserable Danny is

Kim Britnell

3 and a half minutes in...yeah I'm gonna skip to My Immortal. Elliot was a literal child, no thanks.

Matt B

more of my immortal please

Pete Morgan

I cannot form words for how utterly... I can't watch ET again.


i love this so much


My first exposure ever to My Immortal. Dear god.


I love this shows intro


Please finish reading My Immortal in future episodes! I would love to see Danny and Arin react to the creative spelling and unique storyline.

Sara Dara

This episode was such a rollercoaster of emotions for me!!!

Miss Tooni

Please read more My Immortal, it's so much more fun and less uncomfortable than E.T. fanfic

Hope Gilbert

Imagine if you laboured a full-term pregnancy, birthed a boy who you and your partner pour your entire souls into the effort of loving and raising him, watch him grow up to even cheer him on as he walks the graduation stage to accept his diploma, be so proud of him and excited for his adult years, to then discover he, the one you delivered into this world, wrote E.T. and Elliot - Coming Back to Me.


I… hate this xD WHYYYY?! 😭😭😭

Sarah Blikre

That E.T. story is quite possibly the most upsetting thing I’ve ever heard. More please.


Wow that ET story was truly vile, why was there cock vore and ass juice? nvm I already know and I wish I didnt

Daniel F. Draton

Hey guys, just wanted to say first time being on your patreon and i wanted to thank you peeps for helping through alot of hard times. Been going strong on chemotherapy since i was 15 years old(Currently 22) and whenever they pump that sucker through my vein i pop on a good ol game grumps video. Pretty crazy to see how time flies by. from super mario sunshine, to pokemon, mario maker, sonic riders etc. Thanks for the memories fellas and keep up the good work!

Daniel Salgado

We all know the E.T one was written by Hifumi yamada, the ULTIMATE FANFIC CREATOR


Dude, I have a slightly similar story and I always pop them on when I get my infusions! Stay strong fellow Lovely.

Olof Rönn

I'm a simple man, I see that the GG Patreon includes fanfic reads, I subscribe. I've been on the fence for a while but you know what, I've been watching GG since the very first ep back in 20whenever, so it was inevitable I suppose. So happy to be here, love the stuff!

Nathan T

I am equally horrified and fascinated at the escalation of this episode over the last.

Carl Nelson

This is exactly the kind of content I wanted from the game grumps

Stephanie Paich

God, I don't think that first one could have been much worse. One of the ugliest creatures in any movie mind fucked a character everyone only knew before as a child, and said character starts to turn into a woman while leaking disgusting fluids from every orifice described in great detail


*Please* make a special segment for to you guys finish reading My a Immortal?

Katie East

I can't express how much I need the grumps to read more of My Immortal for when Dumbledore shows up, I need it like water.

Marissa Mason

I have to applaud the editors for the stock image choices. Hilarious

Sarah Tasseff

Kinda jelly of the flower smelling cum tbh. I’m good never hearing that story again. 😭😂

Adam Pfeiffer

Keep going with My Immortal! Heck, do a chapter or two in each fan fic video!


My Immortal is too much of a masterpiece for a one-off. pls keep going

Ezra H.

When I saw the commercial on youtube of y'all reading My Immortal I immediately bought a patreon subscription.

Olof Rönn

My Immortal’s author’s notes really are the hidden gems in that car crash of syntax.

Olof Rönn

At some point I’m gonna see Arun react to “AND DOBBY WAS WATCHING”, and you know what? I’m here for it

Christina Ciccone-Ciardullo

I was one of the people that submitted My Immortal, might have been one of the first, so BLESS you for reading this!!

Margarita Martinez

Best Christmas present ever. Please do more My Immortal, it's so horribly bad and wonderful

Arieana Eberle

I can not express the horror of the first one


That ET one was... um... whoa

Grayson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-24 14:48:28 Guys… I just signed up for this expecting a silly goofy time. This was my first thing I watched as a patron😂💀 WTF
2023-12-24 14:48:28 Guys… I just signed up for this expecting a silly goofy time. This was my first thing I watched as a patron😂💀 WTF
2023-12-23 19:27:10 Guys… I just signed up for this expecting a silly goofy time. This was my first thing I watched as a patron😂💀 WTF

Guys… I just signed up for this expecting a silly goofy time. This was my first thing I watched as a patron😂💀 WTF

Julian Stalters

I can't believe this is the crossover event for my special interests.


You know it’s rough when Arin literally has to stop before reading something 🤣

Jacob Smith

Steven Spielberg: Man, I’d really love to make a film about a little alien guy befriending a child! 40 years later: THIS.

Kelli P

I was eating a bagel during the first one, thanks guys 💕 Also you guys HAVE to read more My Immortal, I’ve read it a few times and it’s a MASTERPIECE

Lisa Buijteweg

I literally cried because I laughed so hard, these are fantastic. I subbed for this, hope we get a lot more of these!


Disovered "My Immortal" around the time I discovered Game Grumps. Now, at last, they have come together, and I want MORE!

Lucas A

God, this series needs to continue...imagine if/when they get to MLP fanfic.

Lucas A

I was choking laughing the whole time at the ET thing, but that being said let's never revisit it again.


oh this is SO worth 5 dollars

Arin C.

The whole time I was just thinking "I spent £10 to see this content" but you know what? Worth every penny 10/10

The Bungler

ouroboros cock.............

Eric Baker

Wellllp, made it about halfway through. Love that you guys are doing this, but I’ll definitely be skipping from now on 😵‍💫😅 Edit: nvm I skipped ahead to My Immortal, please finish that entire story I will watch every episode

Charlotte Jones (edited)

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2024-01-03 12:07:17 Confused as to why they have "please like and subscribe. Thanks for watching." In Hangul subtitles but big fan of them reading the infamous my immortal 😂
2024-01-03 12:07:17 Confused as to why they have "please like and subscribe. Thanks for watching." In Hangul subtitles but big fan of them reading the infamous my immortal 😂
2023-12-29 16:08:32 Confused as to why they have "please like and subscribe. Thanks for watching." In Hangul subtitles but big fan of them reading the infamous my immortal 😂

Confused as to why they have "please like and subscribe. Thanks for watching." In Hangul subtitles but big fan of them reading the infamous my immortal 😂

Kado Harp

I don’t really love it. I spent money on this

Dakota Petrich

As soon as Dan said classic I thought of my immortal and idk how I feel about being right

Hachi Tandeki

Ive watched this, and I loved it <3


this was definitely not the video to put on while trying to get work done 😂😂😂


As horrific as the first story was, I am loving this series. Also wouldn’t be mad if y’all did a my immortal chapter every episode haha love to hear their full read through of that classic but also being exposed to insane fics like the first one is quite culturally enlightening

Asa Paints

I literally cannot wait for more of this

Dragoness Draws

That first fanfic was probably the worst thing I've ever had read to me but it was worth the wait for My Immortal


I was hoping they'd eventually get to My Immortal 🤣


Im here for this

BassGrumble Nat

Arin’s face at 9:44 after realising “came” is the correct past tense, fucking, floored me 😂 Awesome video!!


Saw Dan reading My Immortal on today's grumps episode. FASTEST $5 I've ever spent in my entire life.


The vibe in this really makes me feel so warm and happy. They both look so good. Lighting is perfect. - I brought my mom to your live show in El Cajon and when I yelled "I love you!" She asked me how I meant it and I explained to her that I meant it like a daughter to her fathers. You each have basically raised me alongside my mom so it was a really special moment to get to share it with her. Thank you both !! - My childhood is being healed by these lovely and super innocent bed time stories!

Agent Tex

And I renewed my sub JUST as fast and I really couldnt afford it lmao

Liberty Fuchs

Oh my god this was worth every penny I am in pain from laughter. This is NOT safe for human consumption.

David Webster

I adore this, please never stop.


Did I subscribe to the Patreon specifically to hear you guys read My Immortal? Yes, yes I did.


Please just continue to read My Immortal, you haven't even gotten to the best parts. It goes waaaay off the rails.


Please finish My Immortal. It gets so beautifully insane I consider it art because of how good/bad it is

Kyle Tucker

More My Immortal please! I never subscribed to a Patreon faster in my life.


Hey guys! Please read Loud House Revamped! It is longer than all of Shakespeares work combined. If you look up ‘longest piece of literature’ you will find this.

Hailey Kelly

That first one was truly a hard listen.

Reverend Jim Jones

I need more my immortal read by Dan. It gets so crazy.

Boogie Brickhouse

I really hope y'all continue my immortal because it's on of my favorites. ❤️💋


Please please please continue reading My Immortal! The way Dan read it is perfect and I need to see their reactions to the later parts of the story!!


god bless

Valkier Kato

Please, I joined the Patreon just for My Immortal. I need you to continue it! I'll stick around, I won't cancel I promise just read the rest of it I beg you!!!


I'm kind of amazed Arin hadn't heard of My Immortal.


Long time Game Grumps fan, but I'll be straight I only made the move to Patreon just for My Immortal. The only thing I was disappointed about was you didn't read nearly enough. I'm glad everyone else in the comments feels the same way.

Yusef Golestaneh

That first story....I have no words. Genuinely disturbed.



Jennifer Miller

That first story is *absolutely* not fit for human consumption.


I almost tapped out watching during the first one that was horrible LOL edit: PLEASE CONTINUE MY IMMORTAL

EKW (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-08 19:19:13 I'm only a few minutes in and Dan has already gone through the 5 stages of grief several times
2024-02-08 19:19:13 I'm only a few minutes in and Dan has already gone through the 5 stages of grief several times
2024-02-08 19:19:13 I'm only a few minutes in and Dan has already gone through the 5 stages of grief several times
2024-01-16 03:22:14 I'm only a few minutes in and Dan has already gone through the 5 stages of grief several times

I'm only a few minutes in and Dan has already gone through the 5 stages of grief several times

Nora Hopeless

Do you think they've seen the giving tree fan fic? I can't remember if I heard about it from them first or from the McElroys 💀😂

Space Cat

Yeah I don’t usually get uncomfortable just from hearing a story, but man that first one made me want to vomit immediately, but it just kept getting worse. I agree with Dan, that’s the worst piece of literature I’ve ever had the misfortune of experiencing.

Stanzi Hattermann

I haven't heard of my immortal now I have to go look it up Please keep reading it seems interesting!

page imp

It's nice to know that in the year of our lord 2024, My Immortal is still being read.

Emily Hoselton

I need more My Immortal, it just gets better and better

Tanner Vinyard

I love how it's just the Hyrule Historia lmao




where tf is zabe? they need a doctor

Pascale Morin

More My Immortal pls, but also Hans Von Hozel's Dragonball Z fanfiction


Like quite a few here, I just joined GG’s Patreon for My Immortal. Please keep going!

Megan Ropa

I need them to read all of My Immortal

Samantha Anaya

Joining Patreon to hear Danny read My Immortal is the single best $5 investment I have ever made in my life. Please read more

Michael Alonso

The gentle music behind ET fanfiction is so insulting to my intelligence lmao

The Boi You'd Date (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-08 19:19:13 Never have I read my immortal, I have only heard wispers, so happy I got to hear my favorite little guys read this as my first experience!
2024-01-20 23:19:45 Never have I read my immortal, I have only heard wispers, so happy I got to hear my favorite little guys read this as my first experience!

Never have I read my immortal, I have only heard wispers, so happy I got to hear my favorite little guys read this as my first experience!

Caitlin D

I’ve never taken so much psychic damage in my life after hearing that ET fanfiction


I love how the ET story would give almost poetic descriptions of his orgasm only to immediately break it with something like "His dick was rock hard!"


So Timmy what was your favorite Patreon post ever? “I have no time for your childish banalities father. Things are DIFFERENT now”

Amber Lynn Martin

Dan’s face is just done. He’s over this.


I feel like I need a shower.

Nick Koabel

I paid money to hear this. I'm having nightmares while awake now.

Emi Charms

I love the twilight music in the background.


I am wheezing 🤣


>Reads the warning "Oh, come on - it can't be THAT bad." Spoilers: It WAS that bad

Benji the Hedgeling

I will say, do not eat anything while listening to the first story, as it can make you physically gag while eating even the lightest of yogerts

Cassandra Smith

When it's so effed up you have to watch it twice.


I hate that I wanted to know throughout this entire story who Kamackla (don't correct me I don't care about the spelling) is


The first story is Ike’s revenge after the boys dissed on his green bean casserole in the thanksgiving 10mph 😂


That first story was crazy. Not fit for human consumption indeed.


For some reason I keep rewatching this. It's like, I need to see if it's just as weird each time. And so far my conclusion is that, yes. It's still weird. More research may be required though. Edit: Further research has revealed that it will always be weird....further research may be needed to make sure.


Nooooo I wanted Danny to read the good charlotte concert scene


My Immortal is such a perfect slice of internet/fanfiction history simply because it blurs the lines between parody, trolling, and sincere love for 2000's teen mall goth culture and Harry Potter so perfectly. I am such a fan of it, and am a connoisseur of dramatic readings of it.


As a m/m fic writer I hate "ass juices"


same. I shared it with my other writer friend and she was just as disgusted by it XD

Alex Williams

I need them to read more chapters from both of those stories.


I joined patreon just so I could watch this stuff. Been waiting for the fanfiction episodes since Sonic playthrough xD thanks lads!

Annie Bananie

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Annie Bananie

But fr, I lost count of how many times I had to pause to process what I was hearing before the 5 min mark. Now at 9:39 min in, I'm horrified that it has only gotten worse LOL

Kelsey Theisen

Those are certainly all words I had to hear

Chelsea Gifford

really rethinking watching this one while eating dinner and I’m only 6 minutes in 😭

Mallory Curtin

I have some memories of reading My Immortal with someone who is no longer in my life. This is more cathartic than y’all know. Nature is healing. 🦇

Elizabeth Baphometsolutely

My husband is judging me because I have sbassbear compilations going in the bg while watching this. I gotta put throw on gg in the background so I can watch gg


Dans fucking slow blinks in the beginning 😂😂😂😭

Gabrele Martin

I'm so happy to finally be apart of this so I can hear these! I wish it would play til the end but that's probably my phone bad. 😊☺️😂😂😂


I'm gonna need more of the ET story. I need more, please. It's terrible and hilarious.


...it's a terrible day to have ears.

Tired Orchid

Takin me back to highschool with the my immortal reading

Media Breakdown

This ET story alone was worth 5 dollars. 😂😂😂

Kai Scott

didnt expect hypno-feminization when signed up for this, but here we are


i'm a jaded ao3 user and that et fic literally made me nauseous. i'm thoroughly impressed

Aurora lane

Same here and I once went on an A03 prawn bender with this one super long fic for nights straight (Maybe don't always search with word count...) and that ET fic was still intense. I have never read a fic that perverted and genuine about it.

Eric M

It was a mistake to sit down to dinner and watch this

Hunter hall

It's named after a evanescence but she's all about mcr

Hunter hall

This is soooo cringy


I'm with Dan on this one. At least I can skip if I choose... lol


Next time Ike says, "Not fit for human consumption", please take heed. Good Lord.

Michael Stackhouse

Great googly moogly, what did I just listen to?!

Greg Shields

Just listened to "the story" yesterday, and today I see this?!?! NO WAY it's just coincidence! https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=980403770322318&set=pb.100050581115679.-2207520000


Dan is so disappointed 💀


This episode made my body hurt

Katie Gray

The best part of My Immortal isn't the story, but the drama between the author and Raven. The Sweater Debacle.

Hikari Invictus

666th like. Normally I'd be stoked... But when it comes on ET Day, it is but a hollow victory...


Me at 00:00 reading the description: "Could it REALLY be that bad?" Me by 16:25: *thousand-fan stare*


Also, I loved this...I'm just not gonna be the one to break 666 likes. 🤘


Now that I've heard the E.T. story, that's all I ever want from this series. What, after all, is Game Grumps without extensive descriptions of semen?


I'm safely getting through the first story while reading the comments.. hilarious misery loves company lol

Raven Lawrence

I hate that my name is Raven


listen ive read some pretty crazy fanfics, so the content of the first story isnt that bad to me. but to have a person read it OUT LOUD?? and its ARIN?? im shriveling up from the cringe hhhsdfh

Katie Swofford

I don’t care how many times I’ve read My Immortal, Dan reading it just slays me in a way I can’t describe


I knew it was gonna be bad if there was a timestamp to skip it... I was not prepared.

Jooniper Lynn

First one still isn't as bad as that one One Direction one

Aria Waite

Uh hoping that first story was in fact not viewed by either of your parents lolol

Fumpy Dinkle

I wonder who's gonna be strong enough to submit the milk fic

Ari Wolf

The slow page turn in silence was AGONIZING

Alicia Weatherholt

I can’t believe y’all were reading my immortal the whole time and I didn’t know… right under my nose. I should have known… I’m such a fool

Adrianna Shaw

All I can say is Ike, wtf man

Pippa Bailey (Pilgrim)

I quite drunkenly read "My Imortal" to an audience at an author's convention a few years ago. It always goes down a treat. You should have a look at something called "Crappy Pastas" like creepy pastas, but intentionally bad.

Dana L Wilson

Ike. Give me my money back. I can't get passed 5:58 without dropping my phone and hiding LOL


Finding out there will be an ET sequel next summer really changes a lot. Maybe...


Any time I think I'm ready to hear the entirety of My Immortal, I get about 2 chapters in and my body screams at me to stop.

CR Ryan

Really wish youtube would let you monetize shit like this lmao


Just subbed to the Patreon, can’t wait to see the rest of these


really hope they read all of my immortal 😂

Miralee Jay

Honest to gods, I got the Patreon for this specific episode of this. I just got to the part where Dan starts to read and I'm nothing if not hopeful for the best experience of my life


Whoever wrote that ET fanfic is not seeing the gates of heaven

Ashley Cross

Equal cringe for very different reasons


There needs to be a version of this with the entirety of the ET story bleeped out, so we can just watch Dan become more and more horrified


“Cummed?” “What would you have said” “Came?” “Smarty pants over here” 😂


Dans face during the incredible amounts of unnecessary detail lmao

CJ Gagne

The person that wrote it found the bar in hell on the ground and still decided to limbo dance.

CJ Gagne

"I can pull the plug on this show" is fucking me up I'm laughing so hard I'm a mess I'm just not used to normal, everyday folks experiencing A/B/O hypno feminization and I'm a sobbing giggling mess I'm so sorry dan

CJ Gagne

Quick to add that my immortal only describes things that can be placed on a body. She never gives a real physical description. Arin, Dan. Are you boys ready to be Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way?


Dan has probably the most cheerful Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way voiceover I have ever heard.

Len Weaver

*Dark'ness, lovelies. Lolololol


The first story is even more hilarious with the sound off


The fact that I was expecting to be more disturbed by the first story shows how desensitized I have become. And honestly I should feel ashamed but guilt is a useless emotion.

chelsea lyon

That’s why you have other people read it, so you get second hand cringe.

Black Krillin

I was eating mashed potatoes while I watched this 🤮


I'm so excited for my immortal! As a die-hard drarry reader in my teens, and as a lover of mcr and gc 😜 this foray into my fandom's cultural history is long overdue, for me. And also that ET fic really is rivaling for the worst thing I've heard/read and that is saying a LOT Emotional Rollercoaster on this one, boys! I love it

Parker Borden

I have seen way too much monster hentai to be super bothered by the ET story


I’m a person of morbid curiosity. I’ve seen some shit but I always get a say in the matter. This is just Ike torturing Arin and Dan. Someone had to A) write this story and post it online (honestly not surprising), B) submit said story to this show, and C) approve this story for the Grumps to read.


Another one to check out--not a crappy pasta but still notoriously bad--is "Blood Whistle." Also "I Hate You." Marvelous purple prose 😂

Bolo Santosi

I'm so glad I finally subscribed to see this absolute horror (all that I see)

Bolo Santosi

"Pink ass juice" killed me i had to pause to collect myself




A TINY bit of constructive criticism (Not about E.T that was perfect 👌🔥) The audio kinda cuts in and out a bit and it keeps making me adjust my earbud volume and now I feel slightly schizophrenic lol