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Shout out to Nyx who got the closest in the $10 Tier Guessing Game!


Hans Petersen

*this is it...you are one of the first to post under this...don't f- this up!* Uh...i actually got nothing...like seriously...i just had something and now my mind is like "UHM...NOPE!"


Sweet tits


The "Directly Drink Milk From Cow" hack got me. 🤣

Riley Peterson

Arin finally got to drink milk directly from cow! 😃

Tyler George

Dan missed a golden opportunity to call Arin a shithead when he had the toilet seat around his neck.

Benji Bear

I just know that hot dog "hack" is on someone's fetish list. XD

Steven Dorton

Why is “quit bitchin and cut the stitchin” censored?

Victor Blas

Top tier episode, still crying!

William Borusiewicz

Is there anyway to make these privated on the Grumps Youtube? I prefer to watch on my TV and it's easier to multitask and watch

Sterfri 123

I love this whole episode, holy shit. Also the random censor part may be an error


I thought it was a crafting tutorial for Mickey Mouse pants

Andrew Bodily

If Vanessa is reading this then OMG I saw you on Dropout! Your episode of Dirty Laundry was a lot of fun and we got some crazy new lore! If she’s not reading this then.. 5 minuet cravs


You can watch Patreon vids over a Chromecast (or if you have a TV running on Android/Google TV). Not sure if that's worth the investment though, if you don't happen to have one already.

Ashley Stringer

Oh man I absolutely loved this!🥰 I laughinging the whole way through!🤣

Blimp Cid

The *immediate* body seizing with the weiner wine is exactly the reaction I was hoping for ☺️

Merry Merrymead

First time they've ever seen a tampon. Lucky you doodes! 😁

Bonus Commentary

yall are doing the lords work. okay not THE Lord but certainly A lord. Right? right.


Oh man, I read this comment before I watched any of the video, and I thought "I can't wait until this sentence makes any sense"


Arin looks RIDICULOUSLY good with nail polish and i hope that he picks up the habit


Vanessa drinking water even Arin wouldn't drink 😳 a true Chaos Goblin

Queen Of Darkness

Can we just talk about how good Arin looks in leggings? Like daymm..

Dave Guyette

I can't stop laughing at arin just dropping the glove why didn't Dan see it coming.


dan being that close to arins ass had me fucking crying

Hope Gilbert

that spoon flying out of frame made me almost pass out


Using a straw to poke a hole in the hotdog when they could just drink with the straw is peak grumps.


Once Dan gave Arin the hammer, I knew exactly how it would end. Because I'd do the exact same thing. DIE HOTDOG!!!


Daddy’s got it go-*Crash*

Hyve Wren

so out of sheer astonishment i looked up if 5 minute crafts was satire and it let me down a rabbit hole (obviously they're a clickbait view farm but the rest was.... WOAH.) apparently there was a woman with a cooking channel who is campaigning to have them taken down because they once released a "kitchen craft" where if you soaked a strawberry in bleach you'd have a white strawberry. Obviously would be super dangerous if a kid believed that and tried that and ate the strawberry. but it goes further. They're a russian publishing company and no shit they've posted a bunch of pro-russian and anti-ukraine propaganda and pushed political ads on facebook. They have a shit ton of sister channels and are just clickbait city