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Extra bits are kinda like a side, huh? 


Kitten Arcader

Short, sweet, and to the fart

Cael AJ

I think the chair farted and is trying to blame it on Arin #chairisoverparty

Ashley Stringer

Lol these extra bits Dan was so freaking funny!🤣


Yes, the front of grocery stores and all craft shops have those cinnamon scented wicker brooms. The smell is SO strong. I hate it too. It makes me sneeze and my eyes water. If I HAVE to go inside, I wear a mask that I have sprayed a perfume on so the smell doesn't get in my nose.


I prefer Phillip but that's fine.. 🤣


It's good to see the lads eating something they don't hate, for once


just joined for my 18th bday present to myself! been wanting to join for years, yippee :3 🦕


Ike could make the best damn green bean casserole in the world, and it would probably barely get a 'meh' from me. I hate the stuff, and it is EVERYWHERE down here.

Bonus Commentary

pissed my name isn't Phil rn, no cap


Yay I feel special!


Arin totally farted


the gross 10MPHs are always a riot but it is nice to see em just get to enjoy themselves once in a while 🥲


Well. Im one of the phils. Neat.


I like the fact that Dan said the Jurassic Park theme and goes straight into singing the HP theme. (I think?)

Tyrant King

Can I get the recipe for that compote? >_>

BassGrumble Nat

What a happy little video - Really enjoyed it!

Denise Dalton

Dan I support your cursive “b!”

Philip M

im named Phil just paying 5 Bucks for a shoutout is what im thankful for thank you Gamer Gurps Arnold and Dennis

Kai Fox

dan was very much right about the b in cursive haha