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Shout out to Adrian Carter who got the closest in the $10 Tier Guessing Game!



Is this the same place Mark and Ethan went to in Unus Annus??,

Riley Peterson

In case anyone forgot, I just wanted to remind you that both of these men are both married to women 🙂


They look so cute and amazing together! 🤩 But I feel you Arin, dancing is hard and it sucks if it's not DDR. 😩

John Rogers



I was eating and almost spit out my food when Arin said he was going to fuck the shit out of Dan lol


Show feet guy is gonna love this lmao

Sarah Klaffke

holy shit this episode is insane LMAO


I wonder if Ethan got flashbacks to Unus Annus while filming this


Flamingos don't live in ponds. Stop spreading lies.


This was so much fun to watch, and Dan was on-point for the 348 different "You look like..." burns used throughout the 14-minute episode.


a fellow dancer taught me this once and it totally works (for me, anyway) - if you're getting dizzy doing turns, take a break and tug on your earlobes. idk why but it helps stop the spinny brain more quickly

C.j. Malm

I’m literally working on a compilation called “Danalogies” because these are honestly some of his best moments.

C.j. Malm

I just said to my wife “The first five minutes of this are so NORMAL and then Arin threatens to fuck Dan and all bets are OFF”

C.j. Malm

I think he just mailed his credit card to Patreon with a note that said “GRUMPS”

Ashley Stringer

Oh my God I freaking lost it! Dan's reaction was the best and I think Arin even surprised himself!🤣

C.j. Malm

You can actually see it in Arin’s eyes several times, that subtle and involuntary look of “This doesn’t feel right, it should be Suzy” 🥹

Ashley Stringer

Oh my goodness this episode was so freaking hilarious! These two just amaze me at whatever they do and Arin that comment towards Dan was freaking hilarious!🤣🥰

Hope Gilbert

11:50 "I HAD TOO MUCH SHRIMP" killed me

Senoj Nai

To quote Jamie Lee Curtis, Arin seems like a wonderful person except for his feet.


Arin saying "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you" And Dan's immediate bewildered "What?!" was sooo good

Wolf blood

This is the same lady from unus annus!


I just got to the part and ran to the comments. I am in tears 😂

Agent Tex

I've rewatched this so many times because it HURTS how hard it makes me laugh


Anyone else hearing "Hungry Eyes" playing while the bois are partnered up? No? It's just me? Really?!

Alyssa Wong

Dan, this is NOT the first time Arin attempted to get a passionate kiss out of you, HOW were you so shocked?!? 😂😂😂

Alyssa Wong

THAT explains why she's so hilarious! I remember the dancing episode of Unus Annus, it was one of my favorites


I realized after making this comment that I actually didn't know where flamingos lived. I looked it up, and while it said nothing about ponds, they can be found hanging around some lakes, preferably salinated ones. And what is a lake but just a giant pond?


Dammit, Arin! I was shoveling cereal into my mouth @ 4:32! I just cleaned this room!


The number of times Dan says, "you look like a..." kills me