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Shoutout to Ryan Chaput for getting the closest fastest in the $10 tier 10MPH guessing game on Friday!



Power Hour Mondays are the best Mondays

Lunar amethyst

Good: Getting to watch the extras of the Power Hour Priceless: Getting to receive a Patreon email titled "Electrocuting Ourselves".

Nicholas F

That was hilarious


I love so much when Ethan is there. His quiet commentary always adds so much


“The beach is that way” has me crying 😂😂


I had tears in my eyes I was CRYING laughing oh my god. The things they put themselves through for us xD

Jacob Myers

Possibly the funniest episode ever of the TMPH


Dan angrily singing "Uptown Girl" will stay with me for a while.

Ashley Stringer

Oh my God that was too funny! I literally felt their pain cause I had a Tens Unit for my CRPS in high school and sometimes I would turn it up high just to see how it would feel!😅🤣😭 NEWS FLASH IT HURTS A LOT!😝

Dana Gregory

Dan bent over crying while Arin says “I’m sorry I failed you” has tapped into a level of laughter which I had no idea I could achieve.😂😂😂😂😂


In this episode: Arin and Dan both reveal that they have canonically numerous testicles


I wonder if this reminded Ethan of when he did the Shockingly Sour Challenge with Tyler, Wade, and Mark? Bob was filming.


I came here for the period cramp Schadenfreude :))))


As a chick with endometriosis, I'm glad men get to experience a taste of this


You dont want to have any metal on you while getting shocked

Lauren Grant

I can’t build a house of cards at the best of times, I’m lucky to build Eeyore’s house


I have a tic disorder that makes my muscles tense up very similarly. It gives me some kind of sick joy too see you guys suffer the same way I do everyday <3


When I get cramps, it's sometimes so painful I'm not able to move. All I can do is curl up and cry for hours. That's how I feel physically. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I feel like I'm a cat that goes under the bed because it's pissed off, and all you see are the narrowed eyes daring you to stick your hand in there, because it will bite and scratch the shit out of you if you do. That is how I feel emotionally on my period. It usually lasts anywhere from 5-8 days a month.


"Ready to feel that wage gap?" Oh my god, that got me good and it didn't stop after that.

Enox Rios

"Hey honey AHHHHHH!" Too good😂

Elsie Bartlett

Dan’s “Ah, there we go.” delivered so calmly before crashing the JENGA tower on the first move was glorious.

Cassie Braun

I have a feeling the boys went home to Suzy and Ashley and gave them hugs after experiencing menstrual cramps 😂❤️

Tyrant King

Mazel tov, Daniel, today you are a woman! (Also, the "let me do it for you" KILLED me)

r iley

hahaha! aagghh!


I have epilepsy and this video is the visual representation of living a life while having seizures everyday. Love these two! Especially the comment of how hard it is to open your hand when the muscles are seizing.