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Cows have a lot of milking utility, as it turns out.

Congrats to Sam Rush for getting closest in the $10 tier guessing game!


Sam Rush

oh hey that’s me! i can’t wait to see what horrors are in store for this episode!

Zach Cooper

That bit at the end where Arin is just laughing got me laughing hard for some reason. I think it's the look on Dan's face when he didn't get an actual answer.

Lunar amethyst

Arin is such a precious boy, cracking himself up over litteral nothing and still sending the audience.

Deer Lord

This tastes like a hate crime.

Kailey Bosyk

It was a mistake to eat cereal while watching this. Good stuff keep it coming! 👍


it's stuff like this that makes me wish that one day they'll guest on Smosh's Eat It Or Yeet It.


Must be unrelated, but I got gradually more and more nauseous while watching this. Also very inspired.


I....I don't think any of this can be considered milk...

Ace of Props

I love you boys dearly, but I do wish you would do less of the food stuff and more random activities.


The way Dan goes "answer me" 😆


You made the food in Zelda that isn't right 😒 Dubious Food


i haven't felt this nauseous since they did the MREs

Beth C

Oh hey it's the episode you guys played before the Brisbane show last night! I was looking forward to seeing the extra bits!


I really need to stop eating while watching these


I love that Arin's extra long laughing fit and Dan's face during it 😂

Ashley Stringer

Genuinely disgusted by what they drank but I was also really surprised Dan was able to join in! I was laughing so hard at Dan's jokes and there's just something about ARIN's laughing fits that are so freaking funny!🤣 Cannot wait to see you guys again in Tulsa this time with my son!🥰❤️‍🔥

Alyssa Wong

That black stuff was VILE. Suffering truly brings us together

Carlos Solorio

Well, I know what *I've* learned: the strengths of my gag reflex. Your work is appreciated, gentlemen.

Leo Fitzwilliam

Came here to say the exact same thing; this is the last time I eat Greek yogurt with granola during a 10MPH ep

Kevin Spradlin

It's always cool to see how much they love each other, like at the end when Dan's smiling at Arin laughing and gives him that little squeeze. It's so sweet to see.


Let me add this to the top 5 episodes to eat dinner to

vinnie pj

now whenever i eat peas, i'm gonna be thinking about pea milk xD


My toes were clenched tight in uncontrollable, visceral disgust for nearly the entire video's duration. That was amazing and horrid.

Tyrant King

"I will not accept that this is the threshold for wienerdom." - Dan Avidan, 2K23


I feel like the 10mph just gets closer and closer to pXXn. Or at the very least, the start to one. I'm not surprised, I kinda dig it.