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You’ve decided to choose Bingo Nights, the video game developer with lots of experience and a silly name, to help realize your vision of creating your own video game project. You reach out to him on Twitter and chat about various things - the weather where you live, the weather where he lives, the weather in other places that neither of you live, and the weather in places that don’t exist. Then you decide to meet in person. You set a time and place - a local park is what Bingo chooses, you’ll be wearing orange, he’ll be wearing red - and you wait patiently.

It turns out you’re very good at waiting as the time seems to pass by like the snap of two fingers, or the carrot equivalent of that. You’ve mapped out your quest to the park and it’s a long way for a carrot to walk, so you start off early. You make it to the park and wait for Bingo to show up, and you wait all day. There are no other people at this park until late in the afternoon, when a stray dog wanders in. You suddenly become very nervous. What if you got catfished? What if Bingo Nights isn’t a real person? What if he found out you were a carrot and bailed on the whole thing? Why didn’t you think about the implications of your carrot form before this???

The stray dog walks up to you.

“Hey, have you seen a guy named Lionel Dietrich around here?” The dog says, his mouth barely moving like in those movies where they use real dogs but dub over their dog-mouths. “I met him on Twitter. We’re making a game together.”

You remember that The Hand’s twitter account’s name is Lionel Dietrich. You think on your feet and quickly tell the dog that you are Lionel.

“Oh, well great to meet you. I’m good with computers, even though I’m a dog and not a human like you probably thought. We all have secrets. That’s not a secret though, it’s just something about me. I do have secrets but I can’t tell you them yet.”

You notice that the dog has a red collar. So Bingo is just like you. Except a dog, and not a carrot. What a world.

You talk with Bingo about the game you’re wanting to make for a while and what colors it should have in it. He scribbles furiously, taking notes like how dogs do. He will be a good collaborator, you can tell.

After a while of game designing in a park and telling Bingo all the colors you like and your favorite musical notes, he clasps together his notepad like how dogs do and puts it where dogs put things they carry around (secret dog pouch).

“Hey, we should get to know each other a bit more. Do something fun. You live around here, right? We could eat something. Or scrounge up a ball somewhere and you could throw it to me in this park. Or we could plan and execute an elaborate heist at a local shoe store. I love chewing on shoes. What do you think? Maybe if we get to know each other well enough I’ll tell you some of my secrets. They’re pretty interesting.”

You’d like to hang out with Bingo and you’re very interested in his secrets, but you’re not sure what you should do next. What would be the best way to get to know Bingo?


Melissa Di Varano

I should have known he was a dog with a name like Bingo... 😂

Crescent Minor

Well, I'd rather just play with the dog, but if we must be ambitious about it ... toys you steal are the most fun.


Finally, a chance to raid the shoe market for all their overpriced leather.


Bring on the shoes

Royce Ellen Hamel

the number of shoe stores closing around where i live is disturbing...i'm sensing a trend...

Alyssa Wong


Navi _

what is this


_Ocean's 13 soundtrack intensifies_


The cornstarch and flour option gave me a good chuckle.