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Apologies, the audio is a tiny bit quiet for parts of this one - we'll work to fix this in our next episode!


Sam Rush

Ahh mine was the question about me going into nursing!!! That was so sweet, I appreciate that so much🥺💖

Jennifer M Griggs

Just a little note: I’m not a nurse, but have worked in technical, therapeutic, and research aspects of healthcare (pediatric sleep medicine) for 20 years, mom was a nurse for 42 years. Healthcare is HARD- especially post-pandemic and in a rough healthcare system like the US. But we need people like you who are determined, believe in themselves, and are compassionate to care for people in pain and with illnesses. Good nurses are worth their weight in gold. You can absolutely do this. ❤️❤️


What Jen said 100%. Thank you for choosing to be a nurse. You are a wonderful human


When he said “Don’t fucking dip it in the ranch! That doesn’t count” I was like “god damn it 💀😭😭” i love most veggies except those stinky weird texture having tomato’s, peas, and squash


Omg the pikachu is going to give me nightmares 😂


Oh the toxic family member question... It's a good advice to cut them out of your life, but it's harder when the person is your mum 😥