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This one got a little icky but also a little bit make-us-nut. 

Congrats to Samantha Ofurie who was the first of many correct guesses of what would happen in this episode from the $10 tier! 


Riley Peterson

What an amazing treat to have on my birthday! 🥳❤️

Bird Scout

My favorite episode so far


It starts to become that one scene in the grinch, the Who Fudge taste test




I think Arin’s completely lost his mind by this point😂

Ashley Stringer

Poor Dan!🤣 I couldn't help but laugh at his expressions!😝 I'm proud of him for at least trying them!


i can’t help but feel bad for dan doing these taste test videos knowing he’s got health/dietary issues but damn are these fuckin hilarious 😂


That was so much damn kit kat.


Some one of those scenes reminded me of harry force feeding dumbledoor


I would have gotten sick trying to do that lmao

Jdot Creeper

I first few minutes they looked optimistic but alittle after the halfway mark they really look like they are slipping in and out from a diabetic coma 😖


There’s nothing quite like watching two men over 35 blast their blood sugars into the stratosphere in record time.


Arin went full Chihuahua mode at 10:23.


20:12 it would have been hilarious if Arin broke out in a fake sob story about kitkats.


dan learned he has super powers this episode


hearing dan throwing up sounds made me think of the kiss-puke scene from Chainsaw Man and now I can't stop picturing Dan and Arin recreating it :(

Katie Horbelt

"Does God have a Flan for me?" didn't get enough recognition


Arin looking like The Grinch when he was being fed pudding

Hylian Drumsticks

This was a fun episode 😂 Poor Dan... and Arin just had a meltdown at the end

Cameron Bryce

It's really fun having the studio audience there, they all seem really nice and chill lol. It's like when Allie ends up on a Grumps episode, it makes it even better. And the part where Arin "looks like a toddler" killed me lmao


I didn't expect things to escalate SO fast from such a thing as Kit Kats! Guess they have more sugar in them than I thought!


www.ihatethedentist.com just in case, that was a lot of kit kats


Damn, you guys had me rolling this episode

Josh Cowgill

Is this video going to be submitted to GDQ


I just realized this is basically a gmm gut check. Now I want them to collab with the grumps on a future gut check. Edit: I did not anticipate the sheer and utter chaos it would end with but I’m still on board with a collab

Crescent Minor

Why did they have to run out of time to shoot? Is it because they assumed that this couldn't be a two-parter? I would have liked to see this activity paced out. I certainly wouldn't have minded it to go on for two weeks. From the way they dropped any attempt to explain or even shout guesses at flavours in their hurry, until sheer sickness forced them to slow down again, I think the guys would more entertaining and happier to have paced this out. Maybe there's something funny about watching them cry their way through it, but not nearly as much fun as there would be in two videos of more energetic Grumps talking about candy. Especially since so many of the flavours were mysteries, it came down to a spectacle of sugar poisoned boys, with no other part of the experience I'm included in, when it could have been a guessing game. I think this could have been a lot more fun if you'd let yourselves come back tomorrow and get two weeks out of this concept.

Lunar amethyst

Arin's face at 17:50. Just that.


Gotta agree with an above comment that said they should've had time to pace this out or make it a two-parter. On the one hand, funny af to see them miserable, but on the other,it would've been nice to see more reactions instead of rushing it all.


I agree! Although the chaos got a little funny, it would've been nicer to see more genuine opinions. We know the boys can still be funny!

Sofia Vazquez-Duran

Disagree with the above comments this video was perfect and my new favorite, the BEST KIND OF CHAOS


I feel like I need to go to the dentist again just from watching this 😂


this is like... if they started racing go-karts normally but by the end arin was tearing around outside the track in a chaotic whirlwind and dan was just lying face down on th epavement, giving up


"You look like a fucking toddler" at the eye rubbing was great. Sometimes you just gotta become one with the rub man


all i can think of during the scene where dan is feeding arin is that one scene in jim carrey's grinch where theyre stuffing him full of pudding and brownies LOL


The pure devolving into a sugar-high madness had me dying!


I'll never understand Arin saying, "Too sweet." Is he fucking 80? 🤣 I'm older than that sweet boi by like four years, and I can handle the sweet, and also, Taco Bell doesn't give me the volc-anus. Seek medical attention, Arin. 🤭


Oof, every episode gets a billion times better when Allie shows up. Sad she had to leave. :(