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Time is a flat circle. Made with oats and honey and nuts and a bunch of other weird flavors. 

Shout out to pretty much everyone who participated in the $10 tier's 10MPH Guessing Game with their guesses... basically everyone got it, we made this one WAY too easy. 


Lauren Grant

I was kind of hoping that the extra would be them playing the games that come on the back of the boxes lol


Dan got mad 😳 lol

Wolf blood

Why doesn't patreon mobile have a miniplayer


is that a yummy nummy soda machine i spy


I made the mistake of having frosted mini wheats at the beginning of this video, I am no longer hungry and the cereal has been expelled from me. sad face


the multigrain cheerios are legit probably my favourite


so that's how they make the sound effects in hentai =P


For some reason Arin saying, "I want that honey NUT" at 14:47 absolutely killed me


This was magical!


Honey Vanilla Cheerios taste exactly like the cereal part of lucky charms. So the part everyone hates.

Kate Bresnahan

What if we held hands in the bowl of Cheerio slop?


i have a peanut allergy, thank you for letting me know i am NOT missing out

Matt B

the fact that they forgot regular cheerios is amazing <3 regular cheerios are my favorite. honey nut for when i'm feeling naughty

Ashley Stringer

Well I cannot believe Dan put his hand there!😏

Nukin Futs

Multigrain is some of the best cereal ever made. This was fuckin funny.


Now I'm imagining little Dan hiding in a cereal box fort munching on his plain Cheerios. Too cute

Crescent Minor

Well, I bet y'all didn't know, but Honey Nut Cheerios are the closest thing to a 'normal' or 'plain' variety that you'll find in Canada. I was with Ally, but if Arin's right, maybe she just felt Canadian that afternoon.


very berry cherrios are the best. you fucking slimes

Bri W

Oh my god Dan and his cereal fort xD

Kim Britnell

"There's so much residue of other Cheerio flavours in this bowl" Dan says...while sitting next to a pile of unused disposable bowls.


Danny's and Arin's tastes are so weird, and their stomachs are so sensitive, I'd wager that most if not all of these flavors are actually decent at worst.


Did Danny really just ask Arin if he remembered that part in Predator? Does he not remember the iconic "MELON" joke during their Dead Rising playthrough? 🤣