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Hey dude. This was mailed via the USPS to Dave but unfortunately it couldn't be forwarded to his new address (the afterlife) and they sent it back to us.

Apparently the team at (BRAND CENSORED) didn't appreciate Arin and Dan talking about Tony's scrotum (only positive comments, mind you!!!) so we present to you now, the fabled Grump Cut, scrotum-talk and mentions of other brands uncensored and in their full glory.

This is what Dave would have wanted. We think. He didn't write it in his will but we really think he would've been cool with this.


(No title)


Stephen Camp

"The number 6 is distracting!" Except... Except that's a "b". It stands for Birdhouse. Y'know... The brand of the man you hung out with for 16 hours. The man who flys like haw-... Eagle.

Nicholas John Lloyd

This was an excruciating watch then, still is now.

Harriett (Manga Girl)

Oh hey! So glad you've made a Patreon page 😀 looking forward to seeing what you release on here 💙

Dylan Manuszak

Awesome the first video is the uncut version of your Tony Hawk playthrough! I remember Activision made you all heavily edit the video... fuck them.

Dane Holland

So sad to see Dave leave us like that. He was as good of a guy as he was bald.


I didn't join this for you, I did this for Dave. Just so we're clear.

Jules Blair

This is already going to be so good, I can tell

Nico Silvian

Everything I could have wanted and more tbh

Lauren Macy

Do it for Dave

Destiny Miller

How do we join the discord?

Jerome Sankara

Exactly what Dave would have wanted.


If only Dave were here to experience this with us all. He will never be forgotten.


This one (or five?) is for you, Dave!

Lauren Macy

I think as long as your Discord is linked to Patreon it’ll add you automatically


Dave will be forever missed


It's supposed to, but I think it's borked. Every other discord from on here has joined instantaneously and this one seems to be hanging for me too.

Drew Dietsch

Been watching Game Grumps since day one, so why not give the boys a fat Lincoln every month?

Jay Procino

The world is diminished by the loss of Dave. RIP

Tom Biron

... *SMACK*... take it...

Evan McPherson

Glad to help out the lads! Also gotta pay my respects for Dave.

Ginger Kitty

Yeah I’m having trouble too. Must be setting on their end at the moment.


There's a discord ? XD


pour one out for Dave

John Rogers

Incredible! How the Tim Allen time travel bit didn't make it in, I'll never understand

Jimothy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-17 18:58:05 If no one else is gonna say it, I will. I'm glad Dave's dead.
2021-09-17 18:58:05 If no one else is gonna say it, I will. I'm glad Dave's dead.
2021-09-17 18:58:05 If no one else is gonna say it, I will. I'm glad Dave's dead.
2021-09-17 18:58:05 If no one else is gonna say it, I will. I'm glad Dave's dead.
2021-09-01 17:47:12 If no one else is gonna say it, I will. I'm glad Dave's dead.

If no one else is gonna say it, I will. I'm glad Dave's dead.

Matt Leandres

I really hope Dave's baldness is now cured. Thanks Obama


Does this mean ... uncensored house party???????


RIP Dave

Hedge Wizardly

Hooray! Will you also be uploading your YouTube videos here perchance? 👀 I'd love to be able to watch them ad free here rather than use YT, especially when I only use it to watch GG

Michelle Neal

Uncensored content!?? Huzzah!!!!

Jeremy S. Boback

You guys have been entertaining me for years. It's about time I was able to pay you back. Keep cracking into those fresh cans of funny.


Aw yeah!




Can't believe we lost Dave to Tony's infinite scrotum

Eduardo Hernandez

god I can't wait for a battle kid animated style compilation of Arin's ramblings this time

Alexandria Sordia

I love this video haha watching these cool dudes reminds me of what it’s like to play games with my cousins


Uncensored content really peanut butters my ham!

Stale Moves Mcgee

I would really love to see the email or whatever that told the grumps what to edit out because that episode was amazing, it really felt like one of their weaker episodes on YT but this uncut version by far makes up for it

Mike Penn (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-17 18:58:03 Yay! Finally a patreon that 1000% makes a difference in my daily life! <3 you grumps!
2021-09-01 20:34:48 Yay! Finally a patreon that 1000% makes a difference in my daily life! <3 you grumps!

Yay! Finally a patreon that 1000% makes a difference in my daily life! <3 you grumps!

Valdryn Varok

Finally was able to become a Patreon to you wonderful Grumps. Stay safe and I wish nothing but the best to you and yours. Oh,happy [early] Halloween.


Seeing this was a super powerful punch in the face to my depression. My heart knows joy again. These guys are my anchor, I'm so happy about this!

Jackson Moon

Good to see yall on patreon. Happy to be able to give back after all the years of wonderful content.


Oooh neat

Charles Cowan

Looking forward to supporting y'all through Patreon for what I'm sure will be years to come! F in the chat for Dave, guys.

Cara B

I will now repeat "mah dad puts peanut butter on his ham" for my whole cleaning shift because it's stuck in my head xD so happy to be apart of the patreon!

Wes Papes

Finally, the proper episode

Mister Cletus

i gave you money just for this. Think I commented on the original vid saying I'd love to see the whole thing, so, putting my money where my, uh, typing is.

Brooke Robertson

Finally, the scrotum discussion we’ve all wanted

Blaztex Davis

I really like the one where they talk about Arin's dad puts peanut butter on his ham for a loooooong time.


The content we always asked for


yess this is what I wanted


Oh thank gosh.

Dax Cross (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-17 18:58:02 You absolute legends. Rest in Papa Johns, Dave. &lt;3
2021-09-01 23:17:41 You absolute legends. Rest in Papa Johns, Dave. <3

You absolute legends. Rest in Papa Johns, Dave. <3

Erick Breckenridge

As much as the edit was actually awesome, I am excited to watch this uncensored version!

Alex Jones

I’d love if we could get a vs episode of Dan and Arin playing THPS 1+2

Al Kordella

this is (maybe) the 69th (ish) comment; can i still get an apology email at the Lincoln tier? edit: i did prepay so i like to imagine i deserve it. also thanks for the Gift of this video @ USPS mail forwarding department


I’ll never forget you too Dave 🥺💞 (🥲 so excited for double maybe even triple doses of game grumps…no I’m not addicted you are!)

Josh Zehner

Power Hours will be interesting with this new format! Thanks Dave for your sacrifice.

Connor Andrews

Dude that Tim Allen shit got me so good

Dax Cross

Look at [REDACTED BRAND NAME] ruining a perfectly good Game Grumps episode! [REDACTED BRAND NAME]'s antics are why we can't have nice things!


This alone was worth the 5$, excited for whatever else you guys decide to put out. :)


Something about Ross' birthday being mentioned in a removed episode is hilarious to me

Charlie Lint

I heard no comments on Tony Hawks scrotum in that video and now I’m extremely disappointed!!


Holy shit, that episode is actually so good and the bits are hilarious! The youtube version is straight up soporific and annoying but now that I've seen the original, I'm cry-laughing XD well worth the 8$ (I'm in Canada so yeah, our money ain't worth shit)

Joey Mercury

Heck yeah. I'm glad this is here. The censored version was fucking weird.


This was hilarious. I loved it 😄

Logan Seydel

Very much appreciated

sanlor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-17 18:58:00 Wow, Dave would have loved this &lt;3
2021-09-02 23:53:16 Wow, Dave would have loved this <3

Wow, Dave would have loved this <3

Katie Horbelt

Am I going to rewatch this entire video just so I can hear all of the censored talking? You're damn right I'm going to.


Wow I hadnt heard the Tim Allen time travel bit before this. That was fucking wild and I was laughing so hard.

Mike Snodgrass

i love this and makes me hate activision even more


I enjoyed being able to finally know what the roses are red, violets are blue jokes were, also the Tim Allen time machine bit is great.

Erick Breckenridge

I mean it was all (unarmed brand’s) fault. I just thought it was creative how the editors used construction sounds.

Erick Breckenridge

Exactly. A lazy channel might have just used beeps. I appreciate the work that went to making a bad situation funny.

E102 Gaming

Oh!! So that's what they said during all those bleeps lol. This version is so much more watchable


Awesome! I had to stop watching this video cause the bleeping was so annoying 😂. Excited for this

Sean Ducharme

There's some real gold in this one!

Kevin Baird

All he wanted was some mushu

Jessie Barsky

I can see why the 9/11 joke didn't make it lmao

John E. Hale

Don’t worry, Dan. Some of us still know who Bad Religion is. Sanity is a full-time job.

Rhys Nelson

glad to see they finished all that construction 😌

James Webster

I’ve been wanting to get back to watching you guys again! Perfect timing!

James McCreless

This video refuses to play and it's driving me insane.


So happy for this video. I wondered what was said behind the bleeps. Now I will know ❤🖤

EKW (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-11 15:05:30 Thank u especially for 32:30, arin losing his shit laughing gives me the good serotonin
2021-11-11 15:05:30 Thank u especially for 32:30, arin losing his shit laughing gives me the good serotonin
2021-11-11 15:05:30 Thank u especially for 32:30, arin losing his shit laughing gives me the good serotonin
2021-11-11 15:05:30 Thank u especially for 32:30, arin losing his shit laughing gives me the good serotonin
2021-11-02 20:29:02 Thank u especially for 32:30, arin losing his shit laughing gives me the good serotonin

Thank u especially for 32:30, arin losing his shit laughing gives me the good serotonin

Lee Taggart

The original video was one of the worst things you guys ever published. THIS is good content. Thank you.

Brianna Neuhouser

its a crime that this is on patreon and i cant add it to my comfort video playlist

Brian G.

I didn't even finish the original episode. this makes all the difference

Keith Hoover (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-04 01:22:51 Dammit now i'm craving a PB &amp; H sandwich.
2022-01-18 04:38:12 Dammit now i'm craving a PB & H sandwich.

Dammit now i'm craving a PB & H sandwich.


OMG, the "Tim Allen Time Travel" bit was hilarious.

Jessi Duschel

five dollars well spent to see pain

Evey Dimarco

Well I am finally complete