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Someone is gonna be way too into these bonnets.



Woah 18 minutes of bonus content?? 😎

Leo Fitzwilliam

I love how Vanessa embodies “the voice of reason but chaotic good”

Wes Papes

Cinderella did eventually have ears when "Ralph Breaks the Internet" came out. Fans thought her design was off, because she had ears. Go back and watch the trailer, it's kinda offputting but cool.


the way i RAN to this mysterious clothing company to get those pants and couldn't find them :( fashionista Vanessa

Brittany White

The boys ate good this episode, and we did too with all this extra content


Vanessa looks like such a distressed mother and it's great

Crim 5009

Vanessa is literally their mom 😂 “I need scissors!” “Where’s your cup?” “No, I need scissors!” “Where’s your cup??” “I don’t want a cup, I want scissors!!!” “The scissors are in your cup!!!” “…oh.”


i would love for the captions on here to be the same quality as the ones on youtube! there are many mistakes here, such as incorrect words, the captions call arin “arith” at one point. and there are too many sentences in each caption. the ones on youtube are perfect, and portray the episodes and the personalities wonderfully. its disappointing to see such a poor contrast, i hope this gets fixed in the future. much love, yall are my favorite youtubers!




16:34 Vanessa watching Arin like a mother would a toddler


Just for context. Grass fed and finished means that it was fed only grass for the entire time it was alive verses if you see just grass fed it means that they gave it grain towards the end to "finish" it out and it changes things. Also regenerative farming is basically the most environmentally friendly way of farming through various methods. So that was probably one of the more ethical and healthy choices as far as meats concerned.

Shadows Vale

I seriously thought one of them was gonna reveal that they were doing baby products because one of them was having an actual baby. Lol.




Cinderella kinda has earlobes when she's poor, so I guess the price of happiness and royalty is your ears


I love these BTS vids this one really has moments where you can feel what its like to work at GG between sets and it seems so nice


Finland, yay! Torille! 🇫🇮


I checked. Its the same bonnet.

Michael Doyle

Always worrisome when the patreon extra is longer than the actual episode.

Cael AJ

And then looking at the crew like, "Yep, that's our boss" 😂


Arin does have a point. We did baby-led weaning with our son. Never bought any "baby food" for him.

Crescent Minor

Nothing is more baby than pounding the table for a lost thing that is two feet, maybe three, feet away 2:07. And nothing is more Mom than plonking the found thing in front of the fussy child after two and a half seconds. And, AND, nothing is more baby than to go, "Oh."


Cry me a break dude.

lizzy wiz

omg vanessa i LOVE fashion brand company!!!!! i love those pants i wanted to buy them but they were just too expensive for me

lizzy wiz

i had a bison dog at one point when we went on a field trip to a farm. i remember it being pretty tasty

Greg Shields

I notice there were way less crew wanting to get in on the food in this food episode. And...I think I have to demand more Arin's Uncle time. Maybe he can just read us a fan fiction? The filthier the better. Does he enjoy, or is he repulsed. hmmmmmmm

Lexi Greene

aww man, if one of them would’ve like.. fallen, they could’ve made the “heheh baby fall down” joke 😭


I love it, that given the opportunity to do another Orson Welles bit, that Arin goes straight for the poo joke! He could've gone for the food or the toys! But the fact that he chose to do a poo joke... We love you Arin! Never change! *Crowd stands and applauds with tears in their eyes* :3


Arin is a braver man than I for walking around on that floor with no shoes

Channing Johnson

Baby2babies still doing great, I see. Also glad to experience Fast Crab. 🤣

Asa Paints

pan frying baby food and other things that should not be pan fried episode when

Thomas Chaffin

You guys are the best!!! I could have the worst day but when I watch you guys you make me laugh and smile!!!

Rowyn Dawn

Bison burgers are really good. There are two Indigenous restaurants in my city (Canada) that have bison meat and bannock burgers

Rowyn Dawn

Unfortunately, I think it can take them a bit to do the captions on here. The current ones are just auto and it's a different system that YT's


You loved Mother Simulator, now back and newer than ever comes the smash hit of the summer: BABY AND KITTEN SIMULATOR. Now with 50% less face. (and 100% more frantic action) So come along! and experience the fun you all grew up with now better than ever.


A lot more bison-related content than I realized would be in an episode about middle-aged men doing infant stuff, but I'm not against it one bit

Kaitlyn O'Hare

My boyfriend is Native and his tribe hunts bison so when they said who eats bison my first thought was "... natives?" haha. My bf's parents bought our son that bison baby food and he liked it, so maybe it's just an adult thing to be grossed out by non-solid meat lol

Obsidian Graemoor

Arin having such wierd conspiracy theory opinions about food is always a bit offputting


I was waiting for that the entire time too!


Arin forgetting natives have been eating bison for YEARS

Varsity 1

"Ha ha! Ha! ONE!"


workers comp for whoever got the cardboard paper cut! =P

Josh Cowgill

Here for the Snapcube reference

rem azrael



game grumps song mentions of the day 🕺🏽🎶 If We Were Gay - Ninja Sex Party


I’m so disappointed a “Fuck your father.” reference was not made 🤣

Turner Strait

"Haha! Ha! One!" - I understood that reference :)

alligator haze

my quality of life has improved now that i have googled “glup shitto”