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We carry on with more My Immortal chapters 14-17 and a special new story...

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I look forward to this every single time. Thank you grumps

Duck Todd

Ohhhh let’s fucking go


Seeing this notification pop up on my phone just brought me so much joy 🥲🩵🩷

Lucas A

This Mario milk story was a dud, gotta be honest. I get the joke, but it's not a great one, especially for how drawn out it was. My Immortal, on the other hand: always a winner.

Clarisa Wright

Been looking forward to this since June 1. Thank you guys

Doktor Vem

Fuck yes! After 5 weeks of absence I was worried this series was over and I'm so glad to see I was wrong! :D

Christian Grimmett

You cockteases, I need more Sonic Highschool

Ana Cristina

Did a lot of sighing during the mario one


Anthony, you expect me to fuck you??


Fangs guys!

Brennan Bova

I could swear I zoned out for a 2 full minutes after he grabbed the milk and when I tuned back in he still hadn't started drinking lol


there were so many twists and turns in todays ep 😭😭


bloody mary is hermoine i think


The only thing in my mind as Mario splooshed the milk all over himself was his Mario voice "Ohh Noo"


I’ve never felt more like I’ve walked into someone’s fantasy as viscerally as i did with that Mario one. That was an experience. Speechless.

Greet Charpentier

As always, fucking funny, the mario one made me tear up laughing xD

Marissa Mason

I would love to know where my immortals author is now? I feel like we would have gotten along in middle school.

Shane Hamilton

i just relistened to all the fanfic story times i’m so jazzed there’s a new episode!!

Robert Poole

I wish Satan made me less beautiful, too


The writer of this fan fiction has a gang mentality. Focuses on the negative aspects to people who don’t appreciate her ideology. Cute. Looking forward to more.


The Emos of Azkaban dance on the west side: The story.

Mama Rei

I have never heard or read more than the first few chapters of My Immortal because I thought that’s all there way. Lucky me that there’s more

Doktor Vem

That would explain a bit, thank you. Is Ron also in this story or does the author think he's too much of a "fucking prep" whatever that means?

Megera Clark

I've never clicked so fast


LMAO i don’t remember ron being mentioned at all no, i just remember that harry is vampire

Doktor Vem

My fucking god, this story is so utterly horrible and so entertaining at the same time. All the shitty spelling combined with the 30 authors notes per chapter, it's really remarkable that they've kept going for this long, you just can't help but respect it Btw Dans ability to flawlessly read all the misspellings and actually pronounce them "correctly" without slowing down or losing track of the story is really impressive


The author of My Immortal is becoming more & more undone with each chapter


I love My Immortal, but I am also so very confused.

Serial Dad Kisser

This is okay, but where are all the daddy fan fics!? Gosh-uh!

Aaron S

When Arin thought Draco was dead again I instinctively said “NO, Volfemor has him, bondage!”


My Immortal is still the gift that keeps on giving all these years later

Aaron S

I love everything about My Immortal and how without Raven to edit it, it deteriorates into absolute madness


Where is the ten foot vinyl Mario set piece


Mario, looming in the study


Not unless we replace elf on the shelf with a vinyl Lionel

I'm Clifford Today

I really wonder where the author of My Immortal is at right now and what they're doing with their life...

Michael Alonso

The author's note drama between Raven and Midnight is the story I'm actually here for lmao

Matthew Madruga

I found out I'm a late in life gay and I'm NEVER going to stop flaming!

Charlotte Parker

Patreon is worth it just to see Arin's piggies.

IamSage 88

Crazy how the writer killed off Willow and had her dead body screwed by a pedophile (which was her insert of Raven) and then when things are better with Raven she was like "Willow is so cute :)"

Ray Ostempowski

Can someone please tell me where the author of my immortal is today? I'm actually a little concerned.


Cant overstate enough how grateful I am to you guys reading My Immortal bc I'm dyslexic and haven't been able to get past chapter two myself, it's too difficult to parse and I'm so happy I get to endure this finally and with the Grumps taking me through! Also please please more Goofy and Pete I'm dying my crops are failing my chinchillas are depressed


Also I'm dying for someone obsessed with MCR and somehow didn't know Gerard doesn't have blue eyes. Like enoby, get your shit together that was an obvious fake Gerard!


Dan calling it the My Chemical Romance story hour made me submit unholyverse 💜

Sarah Zac

I've read My Immortal many times in the past, what with it being a classic and all. Seeing Dan and Arin go through it for the first time is making it all new for me too, and I'm loving it. Worth every cent.

Sara Dara

I look forward to the My Immortal chapters every time, it's like some form of psychotherapy I swear

Aaron S

Lmao fr like “oh hey bestie you look kawaii” to the defiled corpse of her best friend


I know, I do wonder though if Gerard having blue eyes was supposed to be a clue it was Volfmort in disguise or if the author just forgot what color his eyes are. Either way it's just hilarious to me that Ebony didn't think anything of the eyes being wrong since she's so obsessed with MCR 🤣


ebony needs some zoloft


Another fantastic episode. One note: please lower the piano music a bit. It's too loud and steps on the boys' voices


please put out episodes of this sooner or i will start telling people you guys are preps

Elizabeth Kratky (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-16 02:08:04 the mario milk story my entire brain imagined it animated by shoocharu and i laughed so much more harder 😂
2024-06-13 14:13:24 the mario milk story my entire brain imagined it animated by shoocharu and i laughed so much more harder 😂

the mario milk story my entire brain imagined it animated by shoocharu and i laughed so much more harder 😂

Reagan Moore

Of course Arin can relate to a Mario milk fic and “I was flattened” instead of “flattered” is so funny lmao, moar soon plz, don’t be preps!!1!!


Please show less feet k thx bye

Lani Waterstrat

How can I request for them to play Stardew Valley?! I really want to see who they would pick to marry or date! And it’s co-op 😭 also seeing what voices they would give the villagers. I need it to happen

Melissa Di Varano

Right from the start of the Mario one I said "is this going to end with Mario fucking a glass of milk?" I wasn't exactly right...but close enough? 🤣

Liberty Fuchs

My first girlfriend and I wrote a Darkness x Raven fanfic

SiSi Watterson

I was already laughing about that, but when she called his Jersey accent "ethnic", it took me out 💀

Erica Dahlia

I love how half of My Immortal is literally just describing outfits


It's funny that in a world where apparently "flaming" is off the table, bisexuality is still okay as long it's regarding your self insert boyfriend

Kyah Faria

I enjoy that absolutely no one can remain dead in My Immortal.

Shelby Bird

Creamy hole 🤣🤣

Tally Shay

I read this before I got to the end of the story... I was confused. Now I understand.


Name a more iconic duo than Dan “never show feet” Avidan and Arin “always show feet” Hanson


Jesus that didn't even occur to me I assumed in my brain she said it as he sang the hotel bella muerte line and she's like "omg Italian so ethnic" which is hilarious enough but you're so right it's just his jersey accent 🤣🤣🤣


Diablo = Ron Bloody Mary = Hermione Vampire = Harry Potter Draco = Draco Dumblyedoor = dumdum man with dat hat Ebony = Ebb:)monby?!!?!?

Aria Waite

Gotta be careful putting those dogs out on the internet, Arin 🦶

Kim Wetzel

We need like an hour long special for My Immortal cause holy shit 🤣


"Hey bitch, you look kawaii" is going to sit in my head for a week


No one knows who wrote it, they've never come forward. I hope they're doing well for the legacy they have created

Turner Strait

Arin, the bi: Sits regularly, for once Dan, the Straight: sits like a... Comfortable gentleperson. I'm with him all the way :) It's how I used (try) to read my books in college :)


Would love to see them react to a supernatural fanfic, I just have no idea which one

Kyah Faria

Da def dealers is a sock name for a rap crew - so prolific in our culture: My Immortal

Kyah Faria

God, I wish. I'd like to write it Though I wouldn't want my work to feel derivative of the original

Kyah Faria

They're all Immortal. Plus, she probably gave the sweater back. So she doesn't have to DIE 🤭

Katie Swofford

Have I read this story many times before? Yes. Do I get so unfathomably happy when an episode of this shit drops? Yes.

Nukin Futs

So really, when is the ".Authors Note." shirt coming?

Alyssa W

I've been waiting for them to reach the AN: Raven twist and it was utterly worth hearing the heartbreak from Arin 💔


finally, the meta-plot reaches its conflict 🙏

Katie Marra

“I thought Cedric was the owl.” Nearly took me OUT

Elizabeth Kratky (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-17 06:39:13 I now wanna see the author of my immortal write a fanfic of twilight with preppy vampires rofl
2024-06-16 22:20:33 I now wanna see the author of my immortal write a fanfic of twilight with preppy vampires rofl

I now wanna see the author of my immortal write a fanfic of twilight with preppy vampires rofl


I liked the repeated tent pitching footage.


A lot of people have claimed to be the author but none seem convincing and some admitted they lied. Strange Aeons did a video on it.


My Immortal is ruined a little after hearing that it's supposed to be a joke, but more than anything I'm just confused why guns are used in it....I'm....so confused...I spend way too much energy thinking about this.....


I have no idea, it was just the only thing I could think of that would even remotely make it make sense 🤣

Anabelle Cardona

I can't believe she had a falling out with Raven, after everything they've gone through.


HEY BITCH YOU LOOK KAWAII ⁺✧.(˃̶ ॣ⌣ ॣ˂̶∗̀)ɞ⁾


Luigi: Mario… you want me to FUCK you?


I feel like I lose brain cells every time My Immortal is read

Daniel Loader

The Mario one feels like someone trying to make a point. Like they had an argument with someone about how you can fill a story with descriptions and detail and fluff but that doesn’t mean it’s interesting or well written and was like “I’ll show you! I’ll show you all!”


You know, a thought occurred to me that the person who wrote the mario milk fic, should write more. I absolutely love short stories that are just a simple plotline of someone drinking a glass of milk or something. the detail they put into the story erupted my imagination and I'm just like, this guy is going places, I hope he writes more stuff.


That Mario story was unquestionably written by a good writer as a joke. It's too perfectly done. Everything feels intentional and perfectly placed. It truly feels like a solid writer just wanted to write about something stupid.

Aaron S

No way it’s a joke. Angrily running away and being pursued by the apologetic hot guy is something that was HOT in fan fiction among emo teens in forums years ago. I wrote it in my self-insert fanfics too as a tween.


I definitely didn't spend enough time to have a solid knowledge, but the little searching I did brought up a few different people claiming to be the authors and claiming they wrote it as a "parody" of other fan fics at the time. God I truly hope it isn't a joke, it's so much more magical that way.

Rennon the Shaved

That Mario story was the most well-written prose about nothing.