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We're making these longer and reading more chapters!!! This month it's more My Immortal and Sonic High School. Enjoy!

Submit fan fiction for us to read! Just click this link ► https://forms.gle/b3ig5PEdagX9AxPdA


Delia McDade

We are truly blessed today with this double length episode

Hope Gilbert

just in time for my lunch 😘✌🏼

Ari Wolf


Shane Hamilton

as soon as the notification hit me i yelled im so ready for this


Ahhh Let’s Go!


Something to look forward too when I get out of work


This is exactly what I need to get through the rest of my day :)

Jessica Capocy



I cannot BELIEVE I forgot about triumelephantly. The pure joy I felt when Dan read it was something else

clockwork doodles

my favorite part was the main character essentially going "I started crying. he started crying too. what a little bitch"

Marissa Mason

You guys rock. This series is why I joined the patreon and its not disappointing in the slightest.

Rachel Fischer

Thank you, Dan for suffering through that reading. I feel like Im having a stroke just reading it.

RadicalSniperHD RADI

I honestly thought I accidentally went back in the video when thr scar thing happened again. Dan reads everything the same way. It's amazing


“Abra Kadavra” is one of my favorite My-Immortal-isms

Lauren Dautrich

I like listening to these while I work and the "No, volfemort has him bondage, pay attention" bit had me screwing up my face in tears from trying not to scream laugh in the middle of the office.


Arin’s foot.

Tyler George

I love this series so much! Thank you guys

Shelby Bird

Doing eyeliner while listening to all the misspellings of Dumbledore, entitles me to a purple heart.

Richard Lusk

God I want these stories animated so much. Nonsensically of course


“really? are you sure that’s the analogy you want?” LOL


The way Dan said "No, Volfmore has him bondage" with such a straight face when Arin asked if Draco died is absolutely hilarious


I also am coming to understand why My Immortal is so iconic... I thought the joke would get old after the first chapter or so but. I am riveted.

Lucas A

I think I pulled a back muscle laughing

Merry Merrymead

Oh yes. Please do this for 1000 years. It's so ridiculous and yet so comforting to listen to you guys. Such a weird combo! 😂

Kura Kurington IV

god this made my day thank you grumps team

Charlotte Parker

As a writer ... it is literally painful to listen to this 😬 And yet it's great 😅


Would love to see the 2 sequels to Garfield Maximum Speed be done


Double length?! Let’s GOOOOOOOO

han moody

the editing is 10/10, y'all

Tom Small

I don't mind you riding this wave at all. Fangs guys (get it?)


What a blessed time to be aliv

arī the samurai

“masticating” is chewing, by the way 😭😭

Sarah Zac

This series brings me so much joy. Turns out there was a lot of insanity that I managed to block out and forget about in My Immortal, and this has been a great way to experience it all again. Hope y'all get to Legolas by Laura at some point, but I could ride the Sonic Enoby wave for a while!

Kailey Bosyk

Omg please keep doing the double length ones, it makes my whole day. My cheeks and stomach hurt from laughing.


I love this series so much. It brings so much comfort, cozy relaxed vibes, and lots of laughs. Fangs guys (get it?)

Sara! Anne Frazier

My Immortal came out while I was up to my eyeballs in pharmacy school; I'd never even heard of it. Extra long episodes are gonna reduce my temptation to read ahead and going in blind has been a treat. Thanks 💜

Matthew Madruga

Why does this feel like a punishment? lol


This was amazing especially "No, Volfmort has him; bondage. Pay attention" which slayed me. PLEASE go back to Goofy and Pete I really wanna know what happens

Colleen Hiltonen

just me, a beer, and trying not to spit out the beer cause I’m losing my shit

Alyssa Ventrella

This is my favorite series of all time I think I'm gonna throw up from laughing thank you (AN: an if ur a prep fk OFF!!1111)

Kalli Deines

Fingers crossed we will get a whole video edited for just the my immortal readings. I need it to be all put together

Sophie Ward



“gamer words for homosexuality” lmaooo

Nicole Nostrand

Give us this day our daily fanfic


Longer episodes?! My prayers have been answered! 😆😆😆 Can you guys finish the Goofy x Pete story next episode? And maybe read some other new stories that are shorter (like single-chapter one shot kind of stories)? Because the biggest reason why I was hoping for longer episodes was so that we can have more variety with the stories. I get wanting to read as much of My Immortal as possible, but now that the episodes are longer, you can still read plenty of My Immortal and then maybe read two or three (depending on the length) short stories. Full disclosure, I'm not sure if the submission I sent in was completely rejected, or if you just haven't gotten to it yet. I'm debating on whether I should submit it again.


Lupin was masticating to it might be the funniest typo in this whole thing, just the image of Lupin standing there just chewing at something

Christian Grimmett

Phew, these boys have NO IDEA what they're in for with Sonic Highschool. It's like the Evangelion of Fanfic stories.

Doktor Vem

This is both the best and worst thing on the internet

Christian Grimmett

Chapter 6 of Sonic High School is going to be the greatest moment in Grumps History

Kyah Faria

This is the least comfortable comfy content I've ever experienced.

Thomas Garcia

Is it just me or does Sonic highschool sound like it's written by a deeply closeted homeschool kid?

Ryan Sutherland

Triumelephantly is the funniest fucking thing I've ever heard oh my god

A Walking Contradiction

The "author" of "My Immortal" confusing emo for goth is just as cringe as their writing. lol


Longer episodes are just what I need!


"Sonic thought Shadow was a fuck." Is the best line in any of these so far


"sandly" made my drink come out my nose thanks.


My god I should be in bed right now for work early tomorrow but I feel triumelephantly ! Thanks Grumpos.

Aria Waite

Sonic Highschool absolutely feels like satire, no way it’s genuine!

Dan Bellacero

It's a hilarious story, but I'm genuinely lost and have no clue what's going on.

Rachael Dutko

this was an absolute treat. shout out to 'triumelephantly' and 'enistein'


Have they read "Cupcakes" yet? I forget.

✨ hannah ✨

cried laughing several times during this, thank you grumps for making my day!! 👏🖤


If they ever manage to make a film adaptation of My Immortal, the costume design for Ebony better be PHENOMENAL

Ol' Biscuit

Can you imagine getting to be that costume designer? Absolutely unhinged descriptions, it would be incredible


Plus, the script is basically already written! You don't need to change the dialogue (to keep it authentic, of course) though the plot might need a few tweaks to make it somewhat more coherent

Alyssa W

fill us up with the long epiosdes, zaddies (im sorry)

Mary McCormack

this is my favorite thing in the inter-webs right now

Dylan Roy

My Immortal: Join Us As We Dance Madly Upon the Lip of the Volcano


so glad for the longer episodes, but would love for a little lightning round of shorter ones


I will give anything for more extra length videos PLES

Brian G.

I still think it would be worth getting one of the fancy bound versions of my immortal

Zakary Xavier Lorrain

So thankful for story time, and for the extra length story time 😻


If theres anything we can value in this crazy world, it's that Sonic's balls no longer itch


triumelephantly 😭😭😭

Riley Johnson

Arin havin’ the dogs out is the *real* Patreon content Also pleeeeease continue the Goofy & Pete story


I just have a small request, can Arin put those dogs away?


Read more My Immortal and you'll meet Tom Bombadil!

Anthony Leeds

I live for this series. As long as I get My Immortal I'm happy 😭

Emma Mitchell

Fangs you so much for do0bling the lngth of these vids (get it) ;3

Michael Pirretti

Can we get more of "Sonic's Ultimate Harem"? That was some good stuff.


Thank you for all you guys do, even when it’s silly funny stuff like this it’s just nice to feel your essence

Lucille Braun

everytime a fan fiction story time is posted it makes my whole month.

Nukin Futs

Arin said it. "I feel like My Immortal is gas-lighting me."

Anthony K

I can't wait for the grumps to read fan fiction that's been written about them


This is my second time watching this and it won't be the last

Andrew Salans

There is no way the author of my immortal is not intentionally trying to make this as badly written as possible.


Aww, Arin left out the best part of Roger explaining the voice direction. After the voice director was like, "Perfect!" Roger went in that deep voice, "You gotta be fucking kidding me." Like, I don't mind the deeper voice acting, but him saying that was hilarious.

Tawnee Rios

Just my head cannon My immortal was definitely written my a horny, *edgy*, pre-teen. Sonic High school was written by another pre-teen to whom English wasn't their first language. Judging on all the butt and dick jokes, they're a boy.


I'm so excited to listen to more! :-)


idk what it is but I really love the way Dan says “you might think I’m a slut, but I’m really not 😏”

Andrew Holyoak

God I love these. I'm so glad I'm giving these idiots 10$ a month to listen to them read shitty fanfics.

Sky Milton

I love "Dumbleydore"! it soulds like the shitty cartoon version! XD


Probably the best patreon exclusive. I need to know how the Goofy fic ends 😂

Mallory Curtin

The way Dan just accepts the insanity of My Immortal and keeps going even when questioned is immaculate

Kim Wetzel

Honestly and truly, I wonder what the author of "My Immortal" is up to these days. 🤣

Fluff W0lf

I need the end of that goofyxpete fiction. It wouldn't feel right reading it myself

Kristen Kindle

Got the membership so i can listen to these while i work. very worth it


Normally I can fall asleep to Grumps content in a comforting way. I think this time my body is just shutting down. I think 'Ebony' may just be a psychic vampire


Wait...so 'Lupin' (sp?) was *checks notes* chewing while watching 'Ebony' naked/dressed...and then the school "constipated" the camera...got it.

Katy Messenger

So my theory on My Immortal is that it started out as a semi-sincere self insert fanfiction by some middle school girl. I say this because the attention to clothing and little "gothic" details is just so in depth that it doesn't feel like it was written by someone who wasn't into those sort of things. I was also a middle school girl around this time, and my (thankfully unpublished) self-insert Pirates of the Caribbean fanfics were about the same caliber as the early chapters of My Immortal. However, I think pretty quickly, the author realized that the worse they made their story, the more attention it would get. Thus they, and possibly a group of friends, worked to make the story get progressively worse and worse. I then think that the hate for the fanfiction spiraled a bit out of control, which is why the author suddenly stopped writing it and never returned to it.



Katie Bradley

The outfits in My Immortal would have been my dream clothes in middle school honestly. Lmao Also, congrats to Sonic for recovering from itchy balls!


They stopped right before my favorite part with “Snaketail” I’m living for this right now.


I thought SHS had surprisingly good grammar, so it struck me as a young native speaker who hadn’t worked out every grammar rule yet.


exactly my thoughts! I added one to my cart.

Aaron S

No volfemore has him bondage, pay attention 💀💀💀

Aaron S

I agree. Also when I was an edgy middle school teen for some reason my fanfics often involved the protagonist being upset with the handsome man and the man pursuing them to make amends, which My Immortal is FILLED with.


I don't know why but it makes me so mad that they keep calling MCR a goth band ☠ like blawg 😭 like "Omg yessss MCR is my fav goth band how'd you know 😍" I would die on the spot if someone said that to me


"STOP IT NOW YOU HORNY SIMPLETONS!" needs to be a phrase I adopt into my life regularly XD


This is banger! They're only getting better and better! Keep it up, you PREPZ!


"No, volfmorph has him bondage, pay attention" is one of the greatest responses ever.

Shane Hamilton

bless y’all for making these longer you don’t know how happy it makes me


My immortal is amazing- I've never been so hooked into a story like this before.


The “I love her for her body” line caught me so off-guard, I just sat there with a blank face for a solid two seconds before I finally fully processed it and fucking cackled

Scott Asche

I won't soon forget the line "you poser muggle bitch!"


stahp flamn da story u prepzz ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ (get it?)