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This week, we have My Immortal Chapters 7-9 and Sold to One Direction! What a horrible mistake. Thanks for submitting!

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deathoftheendless .

I hope they do the second part to the goofyxpete story.

TRIVIA Enterprises

That close up of dans nose is worth $5 all on its own


This....this is beautiful

Olof Rönn

“See, is that stupid?” is *such* a power move to throw in in your fanfic

Lincoln Horn


Cami L

my theory is that the original line was “like a cross between joel madden and gerard way” but changed cross… to pentagram… bc satanism… literary genius

Audrey Freeman

"I hath telekinesis" is my new favorite bit


Time to put my hair into a celebratory messy bun and put on my favorite hoodie

Sandie Sandholm

Frenching passively is so much better/funnier tho 😂

Matt Parsons

More GoofyxPete for sure


Whenever these come out I am filled with mischievous glee. Did they ever finish the Garfield one? I'm too lazy to scroll down and find out...

David Reese

iPhone 4S hahaha


do them all!!! i need all of them PLEASE

Micaela Leon

I'm not sure what I want more. I'm tempted to say sold to one direction

Arin C.

I never realised that the Sold to One Direction story was so aggressive I thought she was gonna be much more enthusiastic to go with them T_T

Arin C.

That's how all the parodies of that story go anyway ..

Megan Ellis

Dan and Arin not knowing why she types like that in her author's notes is hilarious. Its all purposeful, its just what you did in the author's notes in the early 2010s. Its very uhh like lol emo xD speak

Mike Z

Forcing us to choose between more Sold to One Direction or more Goof Troop Sad Dad Sexual Tension? Can’t we have both?


You should finish both actually, I think

han moody

goofyxpete for sure

Rachael Dutko

I want at least one more chapter of Sold to One Direction because that was just to freaking wild


I need more goofy x pete in my life

Megan Ellis

Please finish GoofyxPete first, but sold to one direction is solid

Jessica Capocy

Please finish both, please! Ahhhhh!


am so happy to be having my first my immortal experience thru the grumps


Omg please finish the Pete and goofy one


My brain automatically read this with a Mickey Mouse voice 😂


sold to one direction is a true spiritual experience we need to see it through!!


I busted a lung laughing when the camera zoomed in on Dan saying "Was it Zayn? It was Zayn..." Lol


finish pete x goofy first, then sold to one direction!


Finish both pleaseee. I have to know what happens.


Please finish both, I need both viscerally.

Troy Dackery

Please continue the romance between dog and cat.

Zakary Xavier Lorrain

I would like to see them both finished, I’d go Pete and Goofy first as it seems like a more contained story. Then sold to One Direction, because I doeses have to know.

Elizabeth Biberman

As someone who knows Way Too Much about My Immortal, I can confirm that you are correct! You are a true goth, good job.


Hearing him call it an iPhone 4’s and now iPhone 4S makes me realize how old that model is 🤣

Elizabeth Biberman

As much as I loved the line about loving drugs and hating the daughter, if I'm forced to choose, I need more goofy/pete (poofy?) in my life.

Cami L

omg to be acknowledged by a my immortal scholar… thank you i try. mcr rox etc


So close the the goofy boning action lmao


Please I need more goofy and Pete!!!


Finish Goofy and Pete, but maybe one more chapter of this crazy boy band thingum? And finish My Immortal, obviously!


I would love to see both of the other stories finished at some point, but I am *so* happy that there's like 40 chapters of My Immortal. Truly the gift that keeps on giving.


I forgot about the part where Voldemort hands her a fucking gun and I almost spit out soda

Steph Packard

whoa arin put those puppies away

Turner Strait

Fuck The Goof Troop one (as in, FUCK I need that one), because I REALLY want to know how that one goes, Marry "My Immortal", because you're already there at this point, and kill "Sold To One Direction" because nobody cares :)


finish all of them i need all of it this is too good


More goofy Pete please and thank you


Why can’t we have both? I can’t choose! We hath to know what happens in both! Also My Immortal has been my absolute favorite it has me cry laughing so hard 🤣


Every time a new fanfic video comes out, I get PTSD from that ET episode


i wish these were like an hour long of them just reading to us


You guys have to finish all of them omg

Adam McBrinn

Goofy and Pete, Goofy and Pete

Sterfri 123

I feel the One Direction one didn't pick up. WHAT IF IT GETS GOOD?!?


Great. Goofy and Pete now please. I mean, holy hell, it’s raw.


The "Sold to One Direction" one is more weird than funny to me. Ik it's a famously bad fic from that fandom from a long time ago, but it seems more strange than just a good laugh like the others seem to be. However as long as you continue My Immortal, I'm fine with whatever you guys want!

Cavity Core

Pentagram is Goffik for cross a pentagram between=a cross between


Please both. They're both incredibly funny

Burke Codemo

i love that they haven’t questioned the mary-sue grudge or even what being a mary-sue means

Matthew Madruga

If she writes stuff like st00f, it's a bit lol


more one direction fics please, it’s so funny!!

Michael Alonso

My Immortal really is something so many of the circa 2007 scene kids at my old HS could've written. Drugs are crazy man.


“voldemort gave me a gun” is such a crazy line

Samantha O

Future me does Dan ever get that thing out of his hair/face?

Nick Moyer

Ya know, stories nowadays can be so difficult to understand. There's character development, plot twists, and even complete storylines... We need more straightforward and to the point stories without all of that silly nonsense, just like Sold to One Direction.


I'll GLADLY listen to both of them!

Michaela Krakowetz

I have to know if they're filtering out the GG fanfics, or if no one has actually submitted any lol

Sara Dara

Would love to hear the ending to the Pete and Goofy one first!



Saturn Cheeseman

i thought they were gonna read After and i got so scared lmao


i'd love to hear the rest of both sold to one direction and my immortal, but for the love of god, i HAVE to know if goofy and pete fuck.

Othnielia Purcell

pls keep doing all of these I adore this. Hoping for longer episodes in the future as well :)


Goof now, one d later

lizzy wiz

oh my god the ‘my CR@CKHEAD MOTHER’ was INSANE even though i definitely used to read stuff like that around 2011 or so


I vote for child slavery is something I never thought I would say on the internet but here we are.

Hope Gilbert

I need to know where the 1D one goes please

lizzy wiz

pretty sure the one who slapped her was Liam but I could be wrong? but plssss continue both

Tark the Fark

Please read the goofy and Pete fanfic


Once a month 20 minute episodes for a paid sub- is inadequate Please, I beg, atleast 2 per month for the betterment of mankind.

Danielle Morris

once again distracted by the piece of shit in Dan's hair

Danielle Morris

these episodes need to be longer, i demand more content!


yall need to continue the Sold to One Direction the lore went crazy and I need to hear what's next

Brian G.

you should get one of the actual fancy bound versions of my immortal of you're going to go thru the whole thing to the end

Clarisa Wright

If you guys do enjoy doing it I would absolutely love getting these more than once a month! Even twice a month would be awesome

Hunter hall

The girl who wrote this is almost as annoying as jkr

Greet Charpentier

Please, if possible, make this at least a two-monthly thing! I live for this stuff 😂

Kalli Deines

Sold to One Direction and My Immortal are highlights currently in my life with this show.


Agreed, I submitted a fic to them and I need to know if they rejected it, or if they just haven't gotten to it yet because they've mostly been stuck on My Immortal lately (don't get me wrong, My Immortal is great, I just really want the other fics to have a chance to shine too since there's so many gems, and episodes of this are only once a month!)


need more this is gold


Please finish the Goofy and Pete one! That one seems like it would be funnier, and shorter (and therefore, easier to finish)! I also would love to see these episodes happen more than once a month so that you guys can read even more fanfics!

Nicole Nostrand

It's so hard to decide what to beg you to finish. I hadn't heard of the goofy and Pete one, but both my immortal and sold to one direction are pieces of important fanfic history, like, they broke containment so hard that ppl who scoff at fanfic have heard of them. But I don't want two long series running simultaneously either, because there's so much hot garbage out there that the audience wants to see you roll around in, we need space for one shots and short fics too


I've got to get that sweet sweet Goofy action


I'm not gonna lie I really want to know what happens to Goofy and Pete...


I've already heard the child slavery one, go back to goofy


I would like to hear more of the famous Sold to One Direction.

Megera Clark

Finish the one direction story. I was dying of laughter.


read both "Sold to one direction" and "Cartoon dog and cat" to completion, please


I vote for the creation of CatDog

Layla Lovely

More one direction!!!


I want to take that thingy out of his beard so bad.


In a weird turn of events, the author replaces the word ''cross'' (even when referring to ''a cross between x and y'') as ''pentagram''. Unless she forgets.


Finish Pete and Goofy first and then go back to One Direction!

Chris White

I so want to hear the end of Goofy and Pete!


More One direction please

Isabelle DeBold

As a Directioner, I need to hear this satire


I want Dan's blanket

Shoujo Prince

I need to know how Goofy and Pete end, boys pls


More goofy please

Richard Lusk

She does say her friend helps her with the spelling but I'm guessing that doesn't include the authors notes, also I feel like it's how she internet talks in the author notes





Gabriel Lopez

The my immortal reads, alone, make this Patreon memebership so worth it, it’s like a car crash and I can’t get enough LMFAO

Gabriel Lopez

Continue with Goofy and Pete pls!

Alyssa W

Seconding this, I won't mind them alternating so that My Immortal remains consistent for each episode, or just putting all three in one if they can manage it

Alyssa W

oh boy howdy no one's ready for the B-plot with her goffic bffl Raven

Jelly Faun

the joke is "a pentagram between" instead of "a cross between"

Austin Boston

Gotta hear more of the one direction story with Arin's British voice please



Dan Farr

More One Direction with extra British accents plz

Doodle Degen

I would prefer more Goofing with Pete

Jillian Leighton

Please, please, pleaaase finish Goofy x Pete! If I die before it’s done, my ghost will never rest

Beth Soulsby

more one direction please omg

Jordan Graham

Finish the goofy fan fic!

Hikari Invictus

Oh wow wee, the choices are between child slavery and a cat and dog boinking each other? However will I choose? It's like they say, the only way to win is not to play. (But no for real I love this show 🤣, thank you so much to everyone involved!)

Eugenia Dennison

i think finish goofy and pete first, then finish sold to one direction :)


I'm obsessed with my immortal now. Also I have to know if dog and cat go on date to hotle 😆




Goofles and peetles pleeaaAASE


100% child slavery fic

Sarah Lena

why not both? Can we continue a few more chapters of Pete x Goofy as well as Sold to One Direction?? hahah Something I never thought I'd ask loool :p


Oh man thats a tough one but I think I got to go with Sold to one direction since i have no nostalgica ties to it lol

Jesus Apodaca

They should continue the Pete and Goofy one

James McBride

Pete and Goofy for SURE


I've known about the sold to one direction trope for years but I'm just learning now in this video that the protag shares my name lol


i think we need more pete and goof


I need more One Direction

Noah Burrow

Please, for the love of God (also known as Jah), please continue Sonic High School


please do both, i'm begging you


one direction! and sonic! please!

Emma Mitchell

How could we not finish the soul searching drama of an anthropomorphic cat and dog discovering their feelings


Really want to see how Goof and Pete work it out. KINDA curious about the kidnapping one since it was so outlandish that it feels like it could go anywhere. Just so long as it doesn't go to the same place E.T. and Elliot did

Mothman's Cousin Paul

I would also like to hear more sonic highschool 😂 it gets so much worse


Pete and goofy

Connor Andrews

You have to finish the One Direction one

Alex Williams

Please continue the ET one. It was so uncomfortable but hilarious


Do NOT read the ET one for the love of god! Ty xD love you guys!


They meant "like a cross between..." but said pentagram because they're goff and satanizt

Andrew Holyoak

i think i am done with the one direction series already. that was exactly too much to handle. back to the dog and cat fucking please. thats very family friendly


I wonder what the word was that they bleeped out was it bad enough for even patron?

Amber R

I like both are good to continue.. well, not good, but goofy and pete seems less off putting somehow.

Samuel Jones

One direction and overly dramatic Gothic hogwarts are what I live for now

Connor Coles

i have genuinely never been more confused what's happening in a story than my immortal

Connor Coles



more Sold To OD of course

Katie Marra

PLEASE continue Sold to One Direction

Thomas Rose

Did I hear that right? She casted crookshanks?


Im so glad someone else picked up on this — wasn’t Crookshanks a cat??


I vote for more My Immortal and Pete & Goofy!


Pete and goofy for sure

Kaila Badger

Pete and goofy please!


Pete & goofy


As much as I was enjoying the goofy and Pete one, sold to one direction ramped up so damn fast. I gotta hear more!


I don't care about pete and goofy fuck anymore I need more of this wild One Direction shit it's so insane


Sorry but I need y’all to finish Goofy & Pete and the One Direction fic and my immortal 🤷‍♀️


For the love of god please continue Sold to 1D

Sarah Dean

No more fanfic of these side characters, the people need Game Grumps reading Game Grumps fanfiction. Please! Dear God Please!


i honestly think i couldnt survive the second hand embarassment of them having to read that (because obv its about them), i vote to spare them


that picture of 1D happily smiling while arin reads the description of them abusing and buying a girl is uuuuh...very interesting

Ormur Guðjónsson

I love this and would like you to continue both the goofy/pete and sold to 1d stories, but someone MUST send in a good Omegaverse fanfic.

Anthonie Best

Please don't read more Sold to One Direction


More Dog and Cat!

Sarah Smiles

Please read more my immortal and one direction! Shit is so funny, the one direction one brings me back to when I was a teen reading fics like "After" and "Kidnapped by One Direction"😂 and I wonder why I'm so messed up as an adult lmao


Wait, so the girl's mom is simultaneously hurting for cash but also her daughter owns multiple iPhones? Well, there goes my immersion!


Haven't they gone on record in the past couple of years as NOT being okay with all the shipping and stuff going on with them? I doubt they'd be thrilled at the prospect of the submissions getting flooded with stuff about them, tbh.

Christopher Tice

I would like to learn more about One Direction. Will they end up being lovely people that save this girl from her broken home? Or will they slap her some more? Ugh. You know, what. Whatever. Never mind. As long as you read My Immortal I'm happy lol.

Nice Ghost

I had to stop the video multiple times because of My Immortal I was laughing so hard I thought I was gonna throw up.

Nick McKay

So no one in Snape's classroom cared that Draco was naked?

Nukin Futs

"Voldemort gave me a gun" I cant breathe, its so fucking funny.

Jooniper Lynn

I will be right here for the entirety of the year it takes to read My Immortal and I will be on the edge of my seat for it.


I don't know about all of you, but I need more of the child slavery one. Also the Goths.

Joseph Gould

I’m interested in y’all finishing “My Immortal.” But only like a couple more chapters of the one direction one and not at all in the goofy one.


i need to see how the one direction one plays out and my immortal is a classic on the channel

Sarah Zac

From what I remember reading the story originally many a year ago, I think it was the r-word?

risi maharaj

It was an iPhone 4S, the one that came out after the 4 but before the 5 when the iPhone screens got longer and the buttons had fingerprint sensors lol. Also, I hate to admit this but I think I actually read this fanfic way back in the day when it was being written and it depressed the shit out of 13 year old me lmao, so I prefer the dog and cat story

Doktor Vem

Wait, why are you censoring certain words in these videos? I thought the whole point of putting these videos here was that you didn't need to worry about being "P.C." so to speak? Like if you're censoring shit, why not just put it on youtube?


I need more of Sold to One Direction!

Doktor Vem

Fair enough, I guess. Was it like some seriously homophobic/racist shit or something?

Fumpy Dinkle

As someone who spent alot of their childhood reading 1D fanfics, I can confirm that most are like that

Fumpy Dinkle

OMGGGGG was "after" that Harry styles abuse story that got made into a movie??? I never read that but I remember hearing about it as a kid n thinking "wattpad writers gotta be stopped"

Sophie Ward

Sharing a name with the protagonist of Sold to One Direction was very jarring 😭

Greg Shields


Ari Wolf

YESSSS!!!! Please finish both!!! Though if I had to choose one, it would be the One Direction one lmao

Kate Matheson

If you guys don't finish My Immortal I'm going to commit arson

Duck Todd

You gotta finish em all idk what to tell u guys

D'Aja James-Murray

I kind of want to hear all of them, but if I had to choose I'm going with Goofy. It's just too weird 😂


I'm ashamed of myself for being super late on watching this. Dear God please keep making these! My favorite part is where Ebony is able to easily repel Voldemort because she's soooo cool and goffic. But is still able to be compelled by him to kill Vampire, for some reason...

jason lincoln

100% the goofy and Pete one please not the one direction

clockwork doodles

I think the "pentagram, get it?" is supposed to be them laughing at saying pentagram instead of cross

Elizabeth Kratky

Sold one direction completely broke me 😭🤡☠️☠️


Raven does the proofreading and corrections, this is pivotal to the meta lore


please, finish Sold to One Direction. This reminds me of my Tumblr days....


Read them all please 🤣❤️

Phoenix Soren

I'm very late to the party, but I'm pretty sure "Crookshanks" was supposed to be Ebony casting Crucio? That's the only explanation I can think of