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fMatt and I miscommunicated on who would make the Instagram preview of Hien Pham's comic, Heartbreak Baby, so we both made one. 

Don't worry, it wasn't wasted effort because now I can turn it into Patreon XXX-clusive Content! Win-win!

I went for basically a straight-up import of Hien's opening two pages. 

Pretty straight-forward and I only moved around some text balloons/boxes to fit into the square parameters. I figured that explosive panel would be enough of a cliffhanger to get our Instagram followers to come over to the site to read the rest of the comic. 

Matt, however, took a different path, using pages 3-5.

He thought that the concluding message of the comic would serve as a stronger lure to get readers over to read the full comic on our site, so he went about chopping apart and rebuilding Hien's work to fit the size restrictions of Instagram and recreate the narrative as a bite-size morsel. 

Loooots of swapping around which word balloons went where. Silent panels adopted dialogue, dialogue was rearranged from its original order. 

In the end, I did prefer his version-- except for his closer image. He tends to layer on more text while I prefer to basically just state the title, author, and our website (which we have to censor, because Instagram punishes content creators who write out the full word S-E-X in their posts and images). 

So there you have it! A tale of two Instagram preview snippets! Two very different vibes from the same comic. 

Are you following Oh Joy Sex Toy on Instagram? Far be it for me to tell you what to do, but I will say that we come up with some pretty creative ways to censor out the all the naughty bits our cartoonists are free to put into the comics we publish on our site U_U




The Ferret

Ooh neat! Love these lil bts things. n_n