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Over the weekend I finished coloring the comic and today I worked on not one but TWO scripts. 

Not only did I finish next week's script but Matt and I finally banged out a satisfactory draft of that one script we had so much trouble with last week. It only took us FIVE REWRITES to get it. That is officially the most we have ever edited a script. And even now it's only "ok", not exactly brilliant. 

Oh! Like I predicted last week, Friday was spent shipping all. day. long. That's why I didn't finish the comic before the weekend. Turns out that when you announce you're going to discontinue a book, you get a SHIT TON OF ORDERS FOR IT. Yiiiiiiiiiiikes. 

Matt figured out how we're going to distribute the OJST book PDF so we might be releasing that tonight? Or soon, anyway. WHO KNOWS. Not me.




Looking forward to getting my copy of DAR 2 :D Thanks for shipping it so fast!

Daddy Bearcat

I'm not sure "banged out" is the best phrase to use when referring to a sex comic... ;p