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Inked the remaining 3.5 pages today, out of the full six. That just leaves .5 pages to ink tomorrow and then I can start coloring! 

I should have been able to completely finish inking everything today, but I got hella distracted with trying to get a bunch of for-profit websites to take down my "I Want to Live" comic and pay me for using it. My husband actually got 9Gag to take my comic off their site, which is, like, UNHEARD OF. I don't know any of my other friends that have managed that. Of course they're declining to pay my invoice, since you can find my comic on other sites (stolen) so really it's 'fair use' for them to post it too 9_9 Fortunately, two of the other sites sent me personal, genuine apologies, took them down, and have either paid me or promise payment will be sent within seven days. So that's cool! 

There's just one site left who did take down the post and apologized, but refuses to talk with me at all about paying me. Like, they won't even say they're NOT going to pay me, they just won't respond. These are just the sites that people point out to me or that show up in my Twitter stream, I'm not even actively LOOKING for places where my comic is being reposted. This shit honestly eats up hour and hours and just leaves me exhausted. 

But hey, on the other hand, I'm really enjoying drawing again. Like, I'm having a good time. Drawing. (If you're a new patron, I've talked in the past about having lost the enjoyment of drawing, that it's just work. So this is a very welcome change!) I feel like I'm even drawing BETTER now than before the break! Not enough that a Regular Joe would notice, but I notice. 

I notice. 




Penny Gotch

I hate it when people assume that "It's online!" = "It's free for anyone to use!". It's so flipping rude and dismissive to the people who put time and effort into making things for us to enjoy. Also, I'm glad you're feeling better about drawing again! :3


I love your work.