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Haha woooooopppppppssssssss

So, uh, Matt was just looking over our Patreon payment for February and though I did, indeed, post an annoucement here about the Murrsuits comic, I didn't actually charge you guys for it. 

Which means in February, you were only charged for three of the four comics that went up that month. (Squirting, Hourly Comics Day, and XO Flo)

To correct this oversight, I am including Murrsuits in the March Patreon payment. That means you will be charged for the four comics that were originally scheduled to go up this month, plus a retroactive charge for Murrsuits, which means you will be charged for five comics in March

I apologize so much for this fuck up! Haha, in all my years on Patreon I've never mixed this up before! Ah, well. First time for everything, eh?

Please feel free to edit your pledge if you want to! No hard feelings.

Thanks for putting up with me,



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