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Previously we covered the non-sexual side of folks who like to wear big, anthropomophic costumes* so this week we're spending some time with guest cartoonist Matuska as they explain the OH-SO-SEXUAL side of this practice!

*Fursuits by Grey White  




This is a really sweet comic, but I hesitate at being.. too comfortable with it? I'm a furry artist and deeply involved in the community, and have known many people into murrsuits. And there's a uniform issue with them: consent. Not between sexual partners, but between the kinkster and the rest of the world. I have never met anyone who had a murrsuit that was /only/ a murrsuit. Everyone I've met who uses them /also/ wears them as regular fursuits - kink wear, /used/ kink wear, that they find arousing, wearing around the general public and, yes, kids, whom they may interact with while in costume. Even people I otherwise like do this. One might say 'well, if the general public doesn't /know/ they're aroused, or that that costume has recently gotten jizz on it, then there's nothing to worry about' but I would compare it to a guy jerking off on a subway, getting into exhibition, but doing it under a blanket so no one can tell he's doing it. If other people are involved in your sex act or arousal, even if they don't know they are, isn't that a consent issue? And interacting with kids while wearing your favorite kink toy just bothers me so deeply. I would have no issue with murrsuits if people treated them like what they are: a sex toy. But I just can't be fully comfortable with something kinky that involves unknowing, unconsenting passerby in the act. None of this is to say that it's a bad comic, or makes bad points about why people do play with murrsuits. It's very cute and very accurate about the reasons other people I know have for being into it. I just feel like it's not explain the whole, and very common, view of how these toys are used.