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Remember that comic I drew like a week or so ago? Our annual(ish) Best Sex Toys round-up for 2022.

You'll note that Cartoon Erika is wearing a hoody throughout this page, which is what I was wearing in real life because our house was so cold. So, so, so cold. In fact, what I didn't draw was the space heater by my side and the blanket over my lap. 

But there was one panel where I forgot to draw my hoody and just defaulted to drawing a t-shirt!

Don't mind the size discrepancy. For some reason, my screencapture of the inked version just turned out real small. 

Anyway, so I turned it in to Matt for him to color and he was like "uh, what's with this one panel where you're randomly in a T?" and then I had to go fix it.

With the wardrobe now consistent, Matt could do his job and color it and make my word balloon way more readable. 

Comic magic!



The Ferret

Hurray for Matt spotting the deets!