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"I've been feeling sexual attraction more strongly, and I haven't felt quite as gray-ace as I used to." Hien Pham examines the evolution of his sexuality in this gorgeously illustrated comic. 


Meanwhile, over on the Erika Moen Patreon, I've got a piping hot fresh comic up that is sure to leave all my dick-and-fart-joke patrons disappointed as I yet again draw  some emo-ass bullshit. I swear I cover other subject matter. Sometimes.



The Ferret

Oh this is so lovely. As someone who identifies as Bisexual, I can really relate to those struggles of feeling like the label was too stifling and maybe I was wrong or would be considered a traitor. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one figuring things out. Especially with Hien's lush art accompanying it. And those first four panels made me burst out laughing, so good!


Meeee tooo. This one hit home hard, is so many ways I don't know that Hien was intending. Loved it. -Matt


Hien’s work is as beautiful as ever. I expect a lot of people can sympathise - labels can be helpful up to a point when it comes to explaining things, but I find them just as often limiting as useful.