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Hey Hey Ho Ho, Erika here! 

Believe it or not, I'm working on an OJST comic! This should be going up later this month, I think, or maybe January? It's our annual shopping list of toys for people who want a cheat sheet rather than digging through nine (NINE) years of toy reviews on the site. 

As an art process nerd myself, here are some of my roughs, pencils, and inks for those that like to see that kinda thing.


And if you're missing my non-OJST posts, I've got a lot more over on my new Patreon (plenty are free for non-patrons to see!)



The Ferret

Holy moly! I can't believe it's been so long since OJST started. I still feel like I can blink and it'll be brand spanking new, it still feels so lively and fresh. And yay Erika comics! Looking forward to it. :) (Edited to correct spelling, I can't believe I still slip up sometimes hahaha)

Ripley LaCross

OJST is nearly old enough to go through its own puberty oh no


Gosh right? Feeling a little old too ha. I'll try to finish this one this weekend! I haven't colored a page in a year or two =D It'll be nice to have some fresh Erika on the site. -Matt