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Even though I diligently took a daily photo of my little broc’s  progression, I did fall behind on drawing it. The above row of sketches  were churned out in one long session with the intention that I would  come back and finish painting/rendering them later but later wound up  getting used for more pressing things like getting back on my #Broctober  schedule and finding accidentally obscene art at Goodwill.


Brocs 16-19 remain sketches but I have been keeping up with the ones that came after.

I noticed my little broc was acquiring new munch-holes at a rapid clip,  but it wasn’t until I was drawing from Oct. 21’s photo that I found the  culprit.

Do you see him?




I stormed outside and sure enough there he was, in exactly the same spot as the photo I had taken the day before.

I wish I could say I’m a merciful god.

But I’m not.

I squished that fucker and then I searched the rest and found TWO MORE identical caterpillar interlopers AND a BABY SLUG all tucked in among the tender stems and fledgling leaves of my broc flock.

They all met with the squish.

I don’t even feel bad about it.


(I feel a little bad about it. They’re just trying to live, man! They found a beautiful home and a solid healthy meal, isn’t that what we all aspire to in life? And then I, the towering hairless ape, come along and just rend them from their sanctuary and murder them because I don’t like how they make my hobby slightly less aesthetic. Who is the real villain here? I can sense the answer and I don’t like it. I don’t like it.)

So, anyway.

#Broctober continues apace.



Silke Ceulemans

I once was a merciful god and put the caterpillar I found on my kohlrabi in a big glass jar with loose lid together with some store bought cabbage leaves. He thrived for a few days munching away and then became slower, spun some threads and stopped moving. I assumed he was going to start to pupate until a few days later his body had exploded and a dozen of squirming larvae came out. He got infected by a parasitic wasp apparently. I read up about it. The larvae keep his body alive while they eat him from the inside out. I'm not sure what lessen I was supposed to learn from this. Sorry for this story and thank you for the great broccoli drawings!




Omg love this