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This is the official end of the first draft of LETTERS FROM SPACE CAMP. 

I still have some vignettes to draw that didn't quite fit into this main story, so if you signed up for Space Camp comics, don't worry, there's still some more coming. 

At this very moment I am waiting for notes back from my agent and then I'll start... revising? I guess? I think what happens next is that I probably have to go draw a fully polished sample (chapter?) and prepare a pitch package that she can start hawking to publishers. 

Ideally, some company offers me an advance that'll cover a year's worth of income while I rework Space Camp and get it into its final form, which will then be published in a book that shoots right to the top of the New York Times Bestseller List and my royalties just start rooooooolling in and then I retire at 40 and spend the rest of my days in my garden. 

In the event that my ideal situation does not manifest, then I will do my revision work and self-publish on my own through Kickstarter. 

Here's the cabbage seeds that planted themselves between the bricks in the strawberry patch. 

The broccoli/cauliflower that sprung up after I planted a row of bell pepper starts. I had grown a crop of both broccoli and cauliflower in that patch previously, so I'm excited to see which species it turns out to be. 

These two grow boxes with the GIANT raspberry bush forests in them? They were originally planted with sugar snap peas and salad greens. The raspberries migrated over from the fence and set up camp in the boxes after I had done all my intentional planting. 

Although I will say, entwined sugar snaps and raspberries is maybe one of the prettiest things I have ever seen in the world. 

Haha ok I have way more Cultivated/Chaos garden photos I could share but, y'know, this post is already hella long so I'm cutting myself off. AUHG BUT I HAVE MORE I WANT TO SHARE. 

Anyway, wish me luck with Space Camp. Fingers crossed for retiring at 40! (Five months away)




Wow, I’m so grateful I got to read Space Camp while finding a path forward with recovery that ALSO had weirdly-timed garden parallels! I feel so seen with this chapter as well as the earlier ones that voice the frustration with trying to just accept.


I think you would love this. It's a turning, well, sculpture, flat like a jumping jack, of two people having sex, and it moves as the plate underneath it turns. I would absolutely adore seeing your take on the concept: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjP8ueFA9AF/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D&fbclid=IwAR3bu73VjY5_BGUwOm8j8GN75sVnqRzcQv4XoSxFzV9gOhutQv9cbeHNFDo