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Hey friends!

Behind the scenes Erika, myself (Hi! It's me Matt!) and the team have been busy at work setting up the pins for a bunch of quiet changes on Oh Joy Sex Toy!

It's been about a year since Erika stepped away from OJST for her book-work and so it feels appropriate to finally start on splitting this Patreon into two; this one just for OJST and the other just for Erika's projects! We're super excited AND nervous - but more to come on that later =D

As a part of that discussion, we've been contemplating making the switch here  from paying PER-OJST COMIC to a FLAT MONTHLY RATE.

You see we made this Patreon account wayyyy back when Patreon launched and paying "per thing" was the default. Paying a flat monthly subscription has since become standard, and for clarity and transparency we're thinking of changing it to the new normal!

But we've sort of painted ourselves into a tricky corner. OJST updates with a new comic each week, which is typically four times a month. So if you are pledging $1 per comic, that means that at the end of the month you pay $4. If we switch to a monthly payment plan, the system will keep you at just $1 a month, unless you manually edit your pledge amount to a new $4 a month tier. 

It means if we make the change, we will lose at least three-quarters of our monthly income unless everybody manually updates their pledge! Scary stuff!

Erika's new Patreon she's working on will be monthly. So, maybe it's time we did the switcheroo here, too? 

A big part of that for us finding out how many of you will actively update your pledges! Patreon wouldn't do it automatically for you; so we'd be putting all our income on the line, hoping everybody would update their pledges when we made the change. It wouldn't change how much you support us with, but would be something you'd need to manually update.

OJST is fully reliant on the support you all generously give it here. We're fully audience-supported, and the comics, artists, and work we do only exists with your help. Getting this 'right' would be super important to the continuation of the project =)



TLDR - This poll is here to help us see how many of you would be to update/correct your pledge if we make the switch to monthly!



I follow patreon for Erika’s autobio stuff so I would switch to just that


I'd either increase my pledge here or split between this one and Erika's new one.