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@wavingpeople felt ashamed for not enjoying anal play the way other gay men seemed to in the media. But then he asked himself "What does pleasure mean to *me* and *my body*?" This week he explores those questions with the Vector vibrating remote-controlled butt plug. 



Kendall Esse

It's super confusing, I think because of the traditional imagery. Men will not wash their butts because that's gay. Both penis and butt are portrayed as shameful. Also the image in society of what an orgasm is for people with a prostate is pretty far from typical. For transwomen on estrodial this gets very obvious. Long ago a toy where prostate having person trains themselves to have a hands-free orgasm was significant, I think. Hatha yoga text have some rather outlandish exercises for that area (the booty). At least it seemed to me to be the case that there is chronic stress that can be relieved by gentle and patient exploration there and the result wasn't trauma, nor explosive male orgasms.

The Ferret

Man I feel so late to the party on this one but it was definitely worth waiting for! Hien is so funny and sweet and I *adore* his imagery. It's so perfect!