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Today I made a big ol' progress post on the status of the Oh Joy, Sex Toy book over on the Kickstarter, if'n you wanna see a bunch of screenshots of how it's all shaping up (If you've been following my updates here, you've probably seen a few of these before. But there's a bunch of new ones, too!) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/erikamoen/oh-joy-sex-toy-the-book/posts 

I finished the comic! All six pages done in five days. That's actually not too bad. 

With some helpful cock critiques from my husband (dicktiques?), I got all those penises presentable. Matthew has always been WAY better at drawing dicks than me. It's one of his many talents. 

This week I made two different preview images for the comic. One with visible dickage that'll show up when readers go through the archives on ohjoysextoy.com and one sans cock for my syndicates to use so they don't get in too much trouble with their readers. 

Since today is Friday, it was also a shipping day. So I did that too.




So, your husband is your most constructive cridick?