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Oh dang, I completely forgot to update last night! Sorry, sorry, my bad. 

Yesterday was a Monday, which meant scripting and doing the initial placement of the text on my page templates. I'm actually pretty excited about this review-- Matt and I are covering a pegging toy, which is a bit outside our established comfort zones. Our review comics are better when we've got more to say than just an assessment of the product; when we can bring some personal storytelling into it. I think we did a good job of that with our review of the Club Vibe 2.Oh, the Sex Glider Love Machine (the sex chair), and the Bullet Vibe. 

My husband never fails to impress and inspire me. I was nervous to take on a pegging toy because 1) though I do enjoy packing, I've never had much experience fucking with one, and 2) people can be jerkwads to men who get fucked in the ass by a woman and I didn't wanna see him get shit (so to speak) from the internet. So I woulda shied away from taking on this toy, but Matt was positive about it, both from the point of view of trying it out and also that it'd probably make a good comic, so we took it on. And then when it came to writing the script, he encouraged me to make it more personal and show some of our behind-the-scenes conversations. I know it appears like I just overshare whatever pops into my mind, but I actually do censor myself quite a lot and don't share anything about Matt without his encouragement and consent. 

I'm pretty happy with how the script came out :) 

And! The book designer sent over some of the book layouts in progress!! Ahhhhhhh!!! They're looking so good! So. GOOD. I can't wait, can't wait, can't wait to see what she does with the rest of the book. I can't wait to HOLD the book!




Given that pegging is the closest a straight guy can get to directly understanding what being the receptive partner feels like *in general* -- which ought to help him understand the experience of his preferred set of partners -- it seems downright batty to shy away from it. And the fact that there are some guys who want anal from girls, while not being down for pegging, is even more-so... I mean, sure, you can try it both ways and decide you're only into it on one end, but people who get all paranoid about it, like it's going to turn them gay or something? Those insecurities say a lot more about them than they do about any guys who enjoy some prostate stim. :-P