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It's Tuesday, which means Penciling Day! I coulda gotten more work done but I got juuuuuust enough that I don't think I'm behind schedule. 

Dudes, I have acquired a huge library of photos of my boots from every angle, so I can accurately draw them in the comic. It's kind of ridic. I should show you a photo in tomorrow's update. 

Anne sent us a rough cut of the Kickstarter video and it's looking gooooood! I think. Oh lord, we're really getting close to launching, I guess? Kickstarter terrifies me. I think we're going about this in a smart way? Not over-extending ourselves as far as rewards go-- the focus is to make a book and have people fund the print run by ordering *the book*, not a million different tchotchkes and commissions that'll take my time, energy, and money away from getting the *the book* made. 

::frantically bites nails:: 


In the pursuit of maintaining my mental health, Matt and I are talking about having a month of guest strips sometime much later in the year so I can... not work. For a while. I don't even know what I'd do with myself. My pole dance studio has a special deal where you can buy this pass to drop into as many classes as you want for a month and I'm kind of fantasizing about spending a couple weeks just going to pole classes every day, pushing my body as hard as it can go. 

Or maybe I'd sleep.



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