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Scripted next week's comic! And got it laid out-- five pages. 

Tomorrow: I pencil.




I don't have any music on my phone...


iTunes says that my full music collection is 61.57 GB. 14,363 items. It would run for more than 37 days. Since the entire storage on my phone is only 64 GB, I can't carry my ENTIRE music collection around without running out of room for any apps, podcasts, etc. So I "only" have 25 days of music in the phone.


Oh, and I just discovered that the most-frequently-played track, at 18, is "To the Ancient Land", the prologue music from Shadow of the Colossus, by Kō Ōtani -- it got cycled a bunch of times because it was the processional for my wedding, and we ran the procession a bunch of times through at the rehearsal. :-) The most-frequently-played pop songs are "I Want You" by Savage Garden, "What a Good Boy" by the Barenaked Ladies, and "Nightswimming" by R.E.M.