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This is a comic I drew back in 2017 after I turned 33, and now, as a 36-year-old, I've finally returned to color it!

Of course now that I've finally finished this comic, Queen Bee Creations closed up shop just this year after over two decades of accessorizing the artsy-bourgeoisie of Portland. You can still read about them here

Queen Bee has shut down and my cat is dead, but I still use that same bag I got for my 33rd birthday every time I leave the house.

Time keeps marchin' on, eh?





2) I feel you on this one, though my world and timeline is a bit different. Moved to LA in 2010, made about $2000/month for a science grad student stipend, spent almost half on just rent and utilities to live nearish to campus so I could put in my 60-100 hr weeks there. had a tiny bit more disposable income thanks to the luxury of school-paid-health insurance, but failed to ever achieve savings + eventually went into credit card debt as therapy / doctor / PT / ER copays ate my income thanks to a series of mystery health issues.


A decade later, I’m not exactly in a house and married, but I’m paying for therapy without taking on new debt, I’m almost out of old debt, and my health is so much better (though that continues to take a lot of work). It took dropping out of a PhD program at 23 and a lot of recovery to get here, and part of me is still the 23-year-old failed scientist crashing at a friends house while she tries to find the cash to get a non-school-owned apartment. I still struggle, but not at that level. It’s hard to internalize the change.


This one got me in the feels. 💖😢💖 Thank you for sharing, I really loved reading it. 💕💕


Thank you so much for sharing that snippet of your life here with me ♥️ Congratulations on surviving and for building a stabler life for yourself, and good luck as you continue to grow.