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Wow! I'm... I'm actually really proud of myself for getting a page done since getting back from the trip and having a cold at the same time. 

I thumbnailed this comic way back in January, after getting all hot and bothered over the gorgeous people and gorgeous costumes and gorgeous (consensual) sex scenes in Georgiana. On my list of Resolutions/Things I'd Like to Do This Year, I told myself that for the month of January, every weekend I would work on penciling and inking this silly little comic. The first weekend I roughly penciled the beginning three pages and even started inking page 1. And then life happened? I mean, page 1 was so much more elaborate than anything I've had to draw in ages, so it was just taking foreeeeeever to draw that ballroom, and then I wound up having to work on Oh Joy every weekend for, like, the next several months, and that's where this project remained frozen until our trip to visit Matt's family for two weeks.

And now? Page 4!

If I had been able to get a page done each weekend in January, like I'd naively expected, then four pages would mark an entire month's worth of comicking on this story! It took me nine months but I've accomplished my January goal :D

I also told myself I wanted to do five paintings this year and so far I've only done three, with just about three months left before it's January again. I already know what paintings I want to do, it's just always a matter of making the time to do creative projects and also making sure I have some down time away from making things and exercising so I don't burn out my fragile, stupid, neurodivergent brain :-/

Haha, oh lord, sorry. I started out being excited with my accomplishment and now I'm bein' all frustrated with my handicaps? My brain has kinda been frustrating the last several weeks. Not to the point of becoming non-functional again, but just stuck on all these unhelpful, toxic thoughts that I really don't need to be playing on loop but I don't have much choice in that right now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(Not so) coincidentally, I haven't been able to exercise for the last three weeks on account of my first week-long cold and then going on a trip for two weeks and now that I'm back I've come down with a cold again. As soon as I'm healthy enough, I'm getting back on my bike and back on the pole and I am 101% positive that'll be the ticket to clearing up my head.

Ok, that's it! I'm off to go have dinner and drink cough syrup.






Great!! It would look really good as a coloured comic. I also thought I was over-reading things, regarding the protagonist. I'm glad Farore verbalized the idea and that is clarified now, because it is indeed awesome. And curiosity just stroke me now: are you getting visual references from any real sculpture work for the statues? Sorry if you've already answered that one. ^^


Yes, the four other statues are all drawn from photos I've found from museums, although I'm embarrassed that the names of them and their sculptors weren't included next to their pictures :-/ Just tourist shots, you know? If you recognize any of them, lemme know! And I posed for the main statue because I had a very specific pose in mind. Thanks for asking! :)


Can't recognize any of them. Sorry. =/ About the main statue: what an impossible but nice pose! I would have fallen a couple of times before managing to get it right. =D