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Another full day of busywork that resulted in too little time drawing :-/ I'm still recovering from ECCC but I almost feel kinda normal again! Getting this comic done on time is still do-able, but it's gunna be right up to the deadline, definitely gunna be plugging away on it over the weekend. 

I've mentioned on here how in the last couple years I've totally lost any joy in drawing, right? I still love inking, but actually drawing is nothing but a chore. I wanna change that, but at this point I don't have time to take on life drawing classes (It already takes me an hour to bike home from the studio, adding the distance to go life drawing would probably make my trip home about an hour and a half or hour and forty-five minutes. Considering the classes run from 6 - 9pm, that means I wouldn't be getting home until 10:30-10:45 at night. That's.... c'mon, that's a bit much) so that means I need to force myself to draw on my own time. 

So I'm thinking I'm gunna start drawing on postcards and sending them to a few friends. 

Hopefully this will bring back an element of fun to drawing again? I don't know. But I hope so.



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