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Oh jeez. 

I don't know how this happened, but I totally finished the comic. 

Hrrrrnnnnnnggggggg that means I don't have to run a guest strip next week! Or work on this during the Emerald City Comic-Con! ;_; I'M SO HAPPY. 

Matt wrote the review for me, I edited it on Monday, and then it was so simple and straight forward that I got it penciled that same day. My goal was to just ink it today but then I finished with enough time to color by staying one hour late at the studio. 

Alright, so that means tomorrow I can do more work on the book and then on Thursday our friend arrives in Portland and we all drive up to Seattle together, coming back Monday. 

Oh, BY THE WAY, if you wanna come see me at Emerald City Comic-Con here's all my info: http://www.erikamoen.com/event/emerald-city-comic-con-3 I'll be tabling with Periscope Studio at table island 1214 and I'm on three panels. 

Matt spent a good portion of the day cleaning out my various websites (not Oh Joy, Sex Toy) from the pharma hack and moving them onto a different server. Thank god he handles that for me, I don't even have the first clue how to do that stuff. 

