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When Matt and I got married, we both kept our family names because: why not? There wasn't really a logical reason to change anything and I worried it might make my fledgling career harder because I'd already built up a little bit of recognition and a few publications with the last name of Moen. Who knew how long this whole "marriage" thing was going to last, anyway?

But now, here we are, well almost a decade and half together with Matt's family having absorbed me as one of their own long ago. I see my in-laws in England more than I see my blood relatives and I... honestly? I feel like a Nolan. I know they see me as one, too. Erika Nolan.

Last year I told Matt I wanted to officially change my last name to his, so our book could come out as being by "Erika and Matthew Nolan" but he pointed out that changing my name now? Would be SUCH a fucking headache and REALLY get in the way of my career name recognition stuff. (And yes, I cringe writing "career name recognition stuff") My books are categorized under Moen on the bookshelves and in databases. Moen is twenty years worth of work in this industry under my belt. When people think of my comics, they think ERIKA  M O E N.

And, yes, we did explore various other options for making 'Nolan' work, if not professionally, at least personally. (If you are a public speaker in search of a new tongue-twister to warm up your vocal chords before an event, may I suggest repeating "Moen Nolan" or "Nolan Moen" aloud and as fast as you can. It'll do the trick!) 

"It's sweet of you to want to change your name, honey," Matt told me. "But it's just not practical."

Ah, I don't really have any closing thoughts here. I wanna change my name but it would just cause too many headaches to do it. Whatcanyado, eh? I'll keep livin' as a Moen, even though, secretly, I'm a Nolan.




I still have my first married name even though I've been remarried for almost 4 years now. My wife doesn't love that I kept my old married name but at the time it made sense. I was established here in my career with Clements and no one knew me by my maiden, and to top it her grandmother's maiden name was the same as mine and we both felt we would offend (the whole gay thing wasn't 100% ok in her Lutheran family). Would I change my name to hers? Nope. I do not find myself respecting the men in her family (her father included) and do not wish to share their name. However. I would be open to us both changing our name to something uniquely ours. But for now, since we're not having children and I remain well established with my current last name, we don't even bother discussing it.


Plenty of artists and creators do work under one name and use a different name in their more private lives - Jane Yolen is the first one that pops to mind (probably because it rhymes with Nolan).